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This year, Ukrainian Catholics in BC will celebrate 50th anniversary of the founding of the Eparchy of New Westminster, and in Nanaimo the 40th anniversary of the founding of our parish (about which, more later). A number of special events are planned, and more will be be announced in the coming weeks. Please mark these important dates in your calendars, and join us and our whole Ukrainian community in British Columbia in celebrating these milestones.

27 June : The day on which the Eparchy was actually founded 50 years. On the parish level, we will commemorate this Jubilee in Nanaimo on Sunday 23 June.

29–30 June : Eparchial Pilgrimage to Grindrod BC, where our parish of Saints Peter and Paul is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Among the various activities on that weekend, the unveiling of the Marian Icon of our Eparchy will take place.

29 September : Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Saturday at our beautiful Cathedral of the Holy Eucharist in New Westminster led by bishops from around Canada and to which all the faithful of our Eparchy are invited. The celebration will include a meal and various presentations.

Letter of Bishop Michael to the clergy, women religious, lay faithful, and all friends and supporters of the Eparchy of New Westminster, on the occasion of the 50th Jubilee, 1974–2024:

Although some historic research suggests that Ukrainians may have made their way to British Columbia to take advantage of the gold rush of the 1870s, the Ukrainian Catholic presence in the territory of today’s Eparchy of New Westminster can definitely be documented back to when Basilian missionaries made contact with Ukrainian immigrants in 1904. The Ukrainian Basilian Fathers who had only started establishing themselves in central Canada and Alberta, managed to send a missionary, Father Anton Strotsky, to British Columbia in 1904 to connect with members of the Ukrainian Community who were already working in the mines and operating their own orchards. Besides Father Strotsky, our Eparchy is grateful to the Basilian Fathers who contributed so much to the growth of the Ukrainian Catholic presence in British Columbia for some 120 years now. They especially developed the parish of Saint Mary’s in Vancouver, but they also engaged in mission activity throughout the lower mainland and other parts of the territory. Of course, the first two bishops of the Eparchy—Bishop Jerome Chimy and Bishop Severian Yakymyshyn—were chosen from the Order of Saint Basil the Great. Aside from monastic missionaries many dedicated secular priests—Canadian-born and from abroad—also devoted themselves to serving God's People wherever they settled throughout the territory of the Eparchy: long before and ever since it was established. Names of Fathers like Bilyk, Galarnyk, Hanushevsky, Olsen, Sabara and the Studite Stek, are only a few of dozens and dozens of dedicate priests who are fondly remembered by people whose lives they touched.

We want to acknowledge the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate who were already visiting British Columbia from the 1920s, teaching Catechism and Religion classes around the province. They especially became involved with the new Eparchy right from the very beginning, working with youth and various organizations like UCWLC and the UCBC. They facilitated missions and enhancing the life of parishes. To this day, the Sisters participate in parish events, lead liturgical services, maintain reception at the Chancery Offices and serve as members of Eparchial councils.

The Eparchy was blessed by visits of several illustrious Church leaders over the years. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, making his way across Canada in 191 Oto learn of the pastoral needs of the Ukrainian settlements, visited Vancouver hoping to organize some Church activity. Bishop and Martyr Blessed Nytkyta Budka visited in 1925 when he consecrated the new church in Grindrod. The hero and confessor who survived 18 years in the Soviet Gulag, Patriarch Josepf Slipyj visited in 1968. We may mention the 1984 Visit of Pope Saint John Paul II. He did not visit the Ukrainian community in this part of Canada per se, but he acknowledged their generous participation: ‘I am likewise deeply grateful for all who have made great efforts to come from ... the Eparchy of New Westminster under the leadership of Bishop Chimy.’ Soon after his assuming the leadership of the UGCC, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky came in 1986. Following a meeting of the Permanent Synod in Edmonton in 2008, the then head of our Church, Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, visited the Eparchy of New Westminster. His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk visited in 2012 as Canada celebrated the 100th anniversary of the appointment of the abovementioned Blessed Nykyta as the first Ukrainian Catholic Bishop to Canada. At that time, he blessed the Bishop Jerome Eparchial Centre, which had been newly renovated by Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski. Speaking of Church leaders, our Eparchy has also provided a few. Among them are Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak of Winnipeg and Bishop Paul Chomnycky of Stamford, who were born grew up within our Eparchy.

Of course, many of our parishes preceded the establishment of the Eparchy of New Westminster in 1974. They will be mentioned in other Jubilee material, but we certainly can mention those that were established as parishes early on in the early 1900s. Some soon even had their first churches built. Saint Anne at Mount Cartier and Saints Peter and Paul in Grindrod were the first churches built in 1922 and 1924 respectively. St Mary’s in Vancouver, served by the Fathers of the Basilian community, has grown from its early missionary pastoral activity into an inspiring campus of facilities and residences as well as the large modern church from 1982. Saint Nicholas in Coldstream and Saint Josaphat in Vernon are among the many parishes that were formed in the first half of the 20th Century and are still functioning today. Many other parishes soon blossomed immediately after the Second World War. Ukrainians in centres like Victoria, Kamloops and New Westminster, among others, soon organized themselves, requested priests to provide pastoral care and quickly grew into the active parishes that they are today.

A number of our parishes faded away into the coastal mists over the years. Names like Revelstoke, Port Alberni and the Kootenays, among several more, were established mission points back in the day. On the other hand, however, with the influx of newcomers from Ukraine over the past couple of years, new, hopeful centres of pastoral activity are appearing on the map. The Comox Valley, Maple Ridge, Abbottsford, among others, are now places of pastoral outreach. The potential of cities like Chilliwack, where pastoral activity had to be abandoned at some point, are now being explored for revival once again.

The Establishment of Our Eparchy

After having been petitioned by the Ukrainian Catholic Church and after consulting the Catholic Church in Canada and seeing that the pastoral needs were obvious and that the time had truly come, Pope Saint Paul VI canonically established the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster on 27 June 1974. It was a vast territory that included the Province of British Columbia, the Yukon Territory and a western portion of the Northwest Territories. The Eparchy of Edmonton ceded the pastoral care of this region to the new Bishop of the new Eparchy, Bishop Jerome Chimy, OSBM, who was consecrated and enthroned on 5 September 1974 at the newly designated Cathedral of the Holy Eucharist in New Westminster.

I am the fourth Bishop of the Eparchy of New Westminster, yet actually the fifth bishop in as many decades to serve the good faithful of this area. We are also grateful to our interim Apostolic Administrator in the person of Bishop David Motiuk, who guided us for almost four years. In the relatively short while that I have been here since my being proposed by our Synod of Bishops and my formal appointment by Pope Francis in August of last year, I have come to know the dedicated clergy and religious that serve this Eparchy. The faithful laypersons that have made the Eparchy their home bring their hope and enthusiasm to the parishes and missions scattered around the cities and towns of the lush costal area and the majestic mountains. God willing, we will soon be able to offer pastoral services to those who have settled in the northernmost regions of the Eparchy in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. I am blessed with the honour of overseeing the celebration of our Golden Jubilee celebrations. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us together—the faithful, the clergy and the friends of our Eparchy—to refresh ourselves in this Jubilee oasis by reflecting on our past and assessing where we now find ourselves. Then, let us take up the challenge of continuing the spiritual pilgrimage into the next 50 years of living and growing in our faith and, by the grace and love of God, sharing it with whomever we can.

Our Celebrations

This year, 2024, the Eparchy would like to have many local celebrations of our Jubilee on the parish level so that all of our parishioners and visitors may participate in the commemorations and spiritual benefits. We encourage each parish and mission to consider creating a Jubilee event that would include a Eucharistic Liturgy and some repast, but also an educational, spiritual program that would empower the community to look forward to the coming years of activity.

1. In fact, as our Eparchy was actually founded 50 years ago on June 27th, the Jubilee Committee wants to encourage all our Parishes to hold their local Jubilee celebration on the Sunday prior to that date (since we are all meeting at our Grindrod Parish the following weekend on the 29th). Therefore, unless parishes are planning something for later in. the year, it is suggested that they hold their local parish Eparchial Jubilee Celebration on Sunday 23 June 2024.

2. Presently there are two major events planned on the all-eparchial level. This includes the first Annual Eparchial Pilgrimage which will take place this year at our Parish in Grind rod on the weekend of Saturday 29 June 2024 coinciding with their parish feast of Saints Peter and Paul as the parish also celebrates its centenary this year! Among the various activities on that weekend, the unveiling of the Marian Icon of our Eparchy will take place. The new icon of the Mother of God is presently being written and will be blessed at Grindrod.

3. The second major Jubilee event will be a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Saturday the 28 September 2024 at our beautiful Cathedral of the Holy Eucharist in New Westminster led by bishops from around Canada and to which all the faithful of our Eparchy are invited. The celebration will include a meal and various presentations. The days leading up to this key commemoration will include seminars, family festivities and celebrations in the Metro Vancouver area.

Please share your thoughts and ideas with your local parish and with the Jubilee Committee via or write to Jubilee Committee, 502 Fifth Ave. New Westminster, BC, V3L 152 or through your parish priest.

May our Lord continue to richly bless our Eparchy as He has over the last half century. May the Lord inspire us during our Jubilee year to wisely and boldly plan for the journey forward with Him, His Blessed Mother and all the patron Saints of our Eparchy!

Christ is Risen!

✚ Michael
Most Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski Bishop of New Westminster

Our Bishop Elect, Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski, will be ordained and enthroned in November. His episcopal ordination will take place in Winnipeg, where he is currently Chancellor, and he will then travel to British Columbia to be enthroned and to celebrate his first Divine Liturgy as Bishop of New Westminster.

6:00 pm, Tuesday, November 7
Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr & Olha, Winnipeg

10:00 am, Wednesday, November 8
Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr & Olha, Winnipeg

Divine Liturgy, Sunday, November 12
Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Winnipeg

10:00 am, Saturday, November 18
Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Vancouver

10:00 am, Sunday, November 19
Holy Eucharist Cathedral, New Westminster

18:00, вівторок, 7 листопада
Собор Святих Володимира і Ольги, Вінніпег

10:00, середа, 8 листопада
Собор Святих Володимира і Ольги, Вінніпег

Божественна Літургія, неділя, 12 листопада
Парафія Пресвятої Діви Марії, Вінніпег

10:00, субота, 18 листопада
Парафія Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, Ванкувер

10:00, неділя, 19 листопада
Собор Пресвятої Євхаристії, Нью-Вестмінстер

Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski, Bishop of New Westminster, 2023

Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski Appointed
Bishop of the Eparchy of New Westminster

The Vatican announced on Thursday, 24 August 2023, that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has appointed Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski, Eparchial Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster (Canada). Father Michael Kwiatkowski, until now the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg, becomes the 4th Bishop for Ukrainian Catholics in the Province of British Columbia and the Yukon since the Eparchy was created in 1974.

Fr. Michael was born 21 November 1961 in Hamiota MB. The son of Edward Kwiatkowski and Phyllis Zemliak, he is the 3rd of 7 children. He attended elementary and secondary schools in Brandon MB, completing his high school at St. Vladimir’s College and Minor Seminary in Roblin MB. After initial University studies and some work experience, Michael began his seminary formation on 7 September 1980. He resided at St. Josaphat Seminary in Rome, attending courses at the Angelicum, where he earned a BA in Philosophy (1980-1982) and a BA in Theology (1982–1985).

He made his Profession of Faith on 13 September 1985, and was ordained to the Diaconate on 14 September 1985 in Roblin MB by Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk CSsR. He was ordained a priest on 28 July 1986 in Brandon MB, also by Metropolitan Hermaniuk. After serving as assistant pastor at Protection of the BVM Church (Boyd) in Winnipeg, he returned to Rome to undertake studies in Canon Law. He completed these studies, earning a Doctorate in Canon Law from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome (JCD).

Fr. Michael lived in Ukraine from 1996-2006, while the Church was reestablishing itself after years of underground existence. There he became chancellor of the Archeparchy of Lviv, and served as Judge and head of the Major Archbishopric Tribunal. He served as Vice-Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, taught courses in Canon Law and directed the University’s department of pastoral life for six years.

He returned to Canada to serve as Spiritual Director at Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Ottawa from 2006–2010. From 1 August 2010–2021, he undertook parish ministry at Holy Eucharist Parish in Winnipeg, and from 2021 until the present has been parish priest at Protection of the BVM Parish in Winnipeg. He serves on the Winnipeg Tri-Diocesan Pro-Life Committee as well as the Tri-Diocesan Prison Ministry Committee. He was State Chaplain for the Manitoba Knights of Columbus from 2016-2019.

Fr. Michael has served as the Chancellor of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg from 1 August 2014, also representing the Archeparchy on the Patriarchal Ukrainian Greek Pastoral Council since its establishment in 2019 in Ukraine.

Для Нью-Вестмінстерської єпархії в Канаді
призначено правлячого єпископа

Сьогодні, 24 серпня 2023 року, у Ватикані повідомлено про те, що Святіший Отець Франциск, поблагословивши рішення Синоду Єпископів УГКЦ, призначив о. Михайла Квятковського правлячим єпископом Української католицької єпархії Нью-Вестмінстера, що на Заході Канади.

Про це інформує пресслужба Святого Престолу, як зазначає Департамент інформації УГКЦ.

Отець Михайло Квятковський, дотепер канцлер Вінніпезької архиєпархії УГКЦ, стане четвертим єпископом для українських греко-католиків у провінції Британська Колумбія та Юкон від часу створення для них Нью-Вестмінстерської єпархії в 1974 році.

Деталі щодо єпископської хіротонії та інтронізації будуть повідомлені згодом.

Біографічна довідка

Отець Михайло Квятковський народився 21 листопада 1961 року в м. Гаміота (провінція Манітоба, Канада). Був третьою із семи дитиною у сім’ї Едварда Квятковського та Філіс Земляк. Здобув неповну середню освіту у школі м. Брендон і повну середню — в коледжі Святого Володимира та Малій семінарії в Робліні (провінція Манітоба, Канада).

Розпочавши навчання в університеті та паралельно працюючи, 7 вересня 1980 року вступив до семінарії. У Римі проживав в Українській папській колегії Святого Йосафата і навчався в Університеті Святого Томи з Аквіну (Анджелікум), де здобув ступені бакалавра з філософії (1980–1982) та богослов’я (1982–1985).

14 вересня 1985 року у м. Робліні (провінція Манітоба, Канада) митрополит Максим Германюк висвятив його на диякона. Ієрейські свячення прийняв 28 липня 1986 року. Послуживши сотрудником у парафії Покрову Пресвятої Богородиці у Вінніпезі, повернувся до Рима вивчати канонічне право у Східному інституті, де здобув ступінь доктора.

З 1996 по 2006 рік, у період, коли Українська Греко-Католицька Церква зміцнювалася після довгих років підпілля, отець Михайло Квятковський проживав в Україні. Здійснював служіння канцлера Патріаршої курії та судді й голови Верховно-Архиєпископського трибуналу. Також був віцеректором Українського католицького університету у Львові, де викладав канонічне право й очолював душпастирський відділ упродовж 6 років.

Повернувшись до Канади, був призначений духівником Української греко-католицької семінарії Святого Духа в Оттаві (2006–2010).

Від 2010 до 2021 року служив в українській греко-католицькій парафії Пресвятої Євхаристії, а від 2021 року і дотепер — парох церкви Покрову Пресвятої Богородиці у м. Вінніпезі. Служив у комітетах за збереження життя та пенітенціарному, організованих двома римо-католицькими архидієцезіями Вінніпега та Вінніпезькою архиєпархією УГКЦ. Також був капеланом Лицарів Колумба у провінції Манітоба (2016–2019).

Від 1 серпня 2014 року і дотепер отець Михайло Квятковський служив канцлером Вінніпезької архиєпархії УГКЦ, був представником Вінніпезької архиєпархії в Душпастирській раді Української Греко-Католицької Церкви з моменту її заснування 2019 року.

Icon of the Nativity of Christ

To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada

6/19 December 2022, Feast of Saint Nicholas

Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Legend of the Elderly Grandmother
A Ukrainian Folk Tale

As we celebrate Christmas, the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, let us revisit the legend of the Elderly Grandmother.

It was the night the dear Christ-Child came to Bethlehem. In a country far away from Him, an old, old grandmother or “baba” sat in her snug little house by her warm fire. The wind was drifting the snow outside and howling down the chimney, but it only made baba’s fire burn more brightly.

“How glad I am that I may stay indoors,” said baba, holding her hands out to the bright blaze.

But suddenly she heard a loud rap at her door. She opened it and her candle shone on three old men standing outside in the snow. Their beards were as white as the snow, and so long that they reached the ground. Their eyes shone kindly in the light of baba’s candle, and their arms were full of precious things—boxes of jewels, and sweet-smelling oils, and ointments.

“We have travelled far, Baba,” they said, “and we stop to tell you of the Baby Prince born this night in Bethlehem. He comes to rule the world and teach all men to be loving and true. We carry Him gifts. Come with us, Baba.”

But baba looked at the drifting snow, and then inside at her cozy room and the crackling fire. “It is too late for me to go with you, good sirs,” she said, “the weather is too cold.” She went inside again and shut the door, and the old men journeyed on to Bethlehem without her. But as baba sat by her fire, rocking, she began to think about the Little Christ-Child, for she loved all babies.

“Tomorrow I will go to find Him,” she said; “tomorrow, when it is light, and I will carry Him some toys.”

So when it was morning baba put on her long cloak and took her staff, and filled her basket with the pretty things a baby would like – gold balls and wooden toys – and she set out to find the Christ-Child.

But, oh, baba had forgotten to ask the three old men the road to Bethlehem, and they travelled so far through the night that she could not overtake them. Up and down the road she hurried, through woods and fields and towns, saying to whomsoever she met: “I go to find the Christ-Child. Where does He lie? I bring some pretty toys for His sake.”

But no one could tell her the way to go, and they all said: “Farther on, Baba, farther on.” So she travelled on and on and on for years and years – but she never found the little Christ-Child.

They say that old baba is travelling still, looking for Him. When it comes Christmas Eve, and the children are lying fast asleep, baba comes softly through the snowy fields and towns, wrapped in her long cloak and carrying her basket on her arm. With her staff she raps gently at the doors and goes inside and holds her candle close to the little children's faces.

“Is He here?” she asks. “Is the little Christ-Child here?” And then she turns sorrowfully away again, crying: “Farther on, farther on!” But before she leaves she takes a toy from her basket and lays it beside the pillow for a Christmas gift. “For His sake,” she says softly, and then hurries on through the years and forever in search of the little Christ-Child.

We celebrate Christmas this year in the context of the war in Ukraine and other places in the world. Jesus comes into the world as an infant, an innocent baby, in need of care and love. He chooses to be born in the simplicity of a manger, not in a palace as a king. As such, his humble beginnings declare him to be the Prince of Peace. His mission is to declare peace among all peoples.

As Jesus’ followers, we are called to be peacemakers. Let us work towards peace in our families, among our friends, and among neighbours and strangers alike by adopting a way of life that puts the needs of others first, and ours second. Let us “live simply so others may simply live,” a motto made famous by Gandhi, quoting Saint Elizabeth Seton.

To live simply so others may simply live means to put God first in our lives, to live according to God’s ways, to see brother and sister in each person, to satisfy the hunger and thirst in those in need, to value justice and freedom, to seek truth, to honour human dignity, to take care of mother earth so that our children and grandchildren may have a home to inherit, to have compassion, and above all to love God, neighbour and self as God loves us.

To live otherwise, that is, to live a life that values money, wealth, and power above all else, risks selling ourselves short, ending up unhappy and disappointed. Rather God wants us to be happy and to live with God forever in paradise, in the Garden of Eden, in heaven with God and all our loved ones.

The elderly grandmother – baba, missed her opportunity to see the Christ-child, and forever searches for him, unsatisfied, alone, and cold, growing ever older.

Yet, it is not too late for us. May the story of Christmas – of Jesus’ birth, of God’s presence among us – continue to inspire the world, transforming it through peace and love into the Kingdom of God here on earth.

As we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, may Christ, truly bless you and your family with peace, love and joy, now and in the New Year!

Christ is Born!  Glorify Him!

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

🞤 Lawrence Huculak, OSBM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Winnipeg; Apostolic Administrator of Saskatoon

🞤 David Motiuk, Eparchial Bishop of Edmonton; Apostolic Administrator of New Westminster

🞤 Bryan Bayda, CSsR, Eparchial Bishop of Toronto

🞤 Andriy Rabiy, Auxiliary Bishop of Winnipeg

🞤 Michael Wiwchar, CSsR, Bishop Emeritus of Saskatoon

🞤 Stephen Chmilar, Bishop Emeritus of Toronto


Всечеснішим Отцям, Преподобним Сестрам та Братам Монаших Спільнот,
Семінаристам та Вірним Української Католицької Церкви в Канаді

6/19 грудня 2022, Свято Святого Муколая

Христос Рождається! Славіте Його!

Дорогі Брати і Сестри у Христі,

Казка про Бабцю

Відзначаючи Різдво, свято народження нашого Господа, давайте пригадаємо Легенду про стареньку бабцю, події якої відбулися багато років тому, тієї ночі, коли Дитятко-Ісус народився у Вифлеємі.

В одній краïні далеко від місця, де народився Ісус, старенька бабуня, яку в селі всі звали «Бабця» сиділа в своïй теплій хатинці біля вогнища. Вітер скавулів і дув снігом, але це зовсім не турбувало Бабцю; навпаки, чим більше дув вітер, тим краще грів вогонь.

«Яка я шаслива, що у мене тепла хата і не треба кудись ходити,» – думає Бабця та далі гріється перед вогнем.

Раптом, хтось сильно застукав у двері. Бабця поволеньки відкриває двері, й при світлі свічки бачить трьох стареньких дідусів, що стоять на засніженім порозі. Бороди у них білі як сніг, а такі довгі, що стеляться по землі. Очі дідусів мило віддзеркaлюють світло свічки, що тримала бабця в руці, а в ïхніх обіймах блищать дорогоцінні подарунки—коробочки наповнені коштовними каміннями, пахучими маслами й оліями.

«Пройшли ми дуже далеку дорогу, розповідають дідусі, але ми зупинилися в тебе, Бабцю, щоб розказати тобі про Князя-Дитятка, який народився цієï ночі у Вифлеємі. Він прийшов на землю, щоб царювати на землі і навчати усіх бути люблячими і вірними. Ми йдемо, щоб принести Йому дари. Ходи з нами Бабцю, щоб привітати Дитятка Ісуса!»

Бабця глянула на завірюху, що віяла за плечами дідусів а тоді дивиться в свою теплу кімнату, де потріскувало вогнище. «Здається, що уже дуже пізно мені кудись виходити, та й ще до того, мороз тріщить цієï ночі,» – відповідає старенька. Бабця закрила двері та повернулася в кімнату. Дідусі продовжили без бабуні. Бабця гойдається перед вогнем та й думає про Немовлятка Ісуса. Вона любила усіх маленьких дітей.

«Завтра, піду і пошукаю Дитятка Ісуса,’ – вирішила бабця, – «Завтра, коли сонце світить; подарую Йому гарні забавки».

Наступного ранку, Бабця вдягнула довгий, теплий плащ, взяла паличку в руки, наповнила кошик цікавими подарунками: золотими кульками і дерев’яними іграшками, та пішла в дорогу шукати Дитятка Ісуса.

Але, Бабця забула одну річ – вона забула запитати трьох старців дорогу до Вифлеєма. А старці зайшли так далеко, що бабця не могла ïх наздогнати. Шукала бабця дорогу. Блукала по лісах, полях і містах, питала усіх подорожуючих: «Я шукаю Дитятка Ісуса. Чи знаєте місце де він знаходиться? Я несу Йому гарні забавки».

Ніхто Бабці не зміг допомогти; усі ïй однаково відповідали: «Продовжуйте йти, бабцю, вони пішли далі». Бабця човгала дальше, повільно ішла вона зі своєю паличкою, далі й далі. Крок за кроком, рік за роком, шукала бабця ясла, де лежить Дитятко Ісус. На жаль, бабця не могла відшукати дорогу до місця, де знаходиться маленький Ісус.

Говорять, що бабця надалі шукає дорогу до Ісуса. Розповідають, що кожного року вночі перед Різдвом Христовим, коли діточки у своïх ліжечках сплять солодким сном, Бабця, одягнена в своєму довгому, теплому плащі та з кошиком у руці тихенко стукає паличкою в двері, входить у кімнати де сплять дітоньки і прихиляється до кожного личка та питає,

«Чи Ісус тут знаходиться? Чи то тут спить Дитятко Ісус?» І сумно бабця відвертається з наповненими сльозами очима та шамотить собі, «дальше, ще трішки дальше». Перед тим як бабця виходить із спальні, вона вибирає з кошика і залишає забавку на подушці кожноï дитини. «Це ради Нього,» шепоче Бабця, та продовжує рік за роком на віки вічні шукати Дитятка Ісуса.

Цьогоріч ми святкуємо Різдво в контексті війни в Україні та інших країнах світу. Христос приходить до цього світу, як немовля, як невинна дитинка, яка потребує опіки і любові. Він вибирає бути народженим у простоті ясел, а не у царському палаці. Тому вже через цей смиренний початок життя Ісус проявляє себе як Цар миру. Його місія - проголошення миру між усіма людьми.

Як Христові послідовники, ми покликані бути миротворцями. Тож давайте разом працювати над миром у наших сім’ях, серед друзів, сусідів як і серед чужинців через переміну у нашому ставленні до потреб ближніх, які мають бути на першому місці, у той час як нашим потребам належить лише друге місце. Давайте згідно і життєвим кредом Махатми Ганді, яке він запозичив від святої Єлизавети Сетон: »жити в простоті, щоб інші могли попросту жити.»

Жити просто, щоб інші могли попросту жити - означає поставити Бога на першому місці у нашому житті, ходити Божими стежками, бачити брата чи сестру у кожній особі, нагодувати і напоїти потребуючих, цінувати справедливість і свободу, шукати істину, шанувати людську гідність, піклуватися матінкою-землею, щоб наші діти і внуки могли успадкувати від нас свою домівку, мати співчуття, і понад усе - любити Бога, ближнього і себе так як Господь любить нас.

Жити по-іншому означає жити життям, яке цінує лише гроші, багатство і владу над іншими і призводить до марної розтрати життєвих вартостей, розчарувань і відсутності щастя. Натомість, Господь хоче, щоб ми були щасливими і жили у раю, у Едемському саді, на небесах разом з Ним і тими, кого ми любимо.

Старенька бабуся, Бабця, втратила можливість побачити Дитятка Ісуса і тому - вічно шукає Його, будучи не задоволеною життям, самотньою, замерзлою і постійно старіючою.

Але ми ще не втратили свого шансу. Тож нехай історія Різдва, Ісусового народження, Божої присутності серед нас продовжує надихати світ, перетворюючи його через мир і любов на Царство Небесне, яке присутнє вже тут на землі.

Святкуючи Празник Господнього Рождества, нехай Христос благословить Вас і Вашу сім’ю миром, любов’ю і радістю, зараз і в новому році!

Христос Рождається! Славіте Його!

Ваші у Христі,

🞤 Лаврентій Гуцуляк, ЧСВВ, Митрополит-Архиєпископ Вінніпезький; Апостольський Адміністратор Саскатунський

🞤 Давид Мотюк, Єпарх Едмонтонський; Апостольський Адміністратор Нью-Вестмінстерсьої Єпархії

🞤 Браєн Байда, ЧНІ, Єпарх Саскатунський

🞤 Андрій Рабій, Помічник Вінніпезький

🞤 Михаїл Вівчар, ЧНІ, Єпископ-емерит Саскатунський

🞤 Стефан Хміляр, Єпископ-емерит Торонтонський


Icon of the Holy Family in Exile

Pastoral Centre, Eparchy of New Westminster
6 May 2022

Слава Ісусу Христу!

Дорогі віряни,

Українська Греко-Католицька Церква вітає вас до Британської Колумбії!

Уже протягом останніх 130-ти років українці оселялися в Британській Колумбії, пускали тут свої коріння, вносили свій внесок у розбудову провінції Британська Колумбія, місця, яке ми всі можемо з гордістю називати домом.

Церква була важливою частиною цієї історії, надаючи духовну підтримку своїм вірним.  Сьогодні ми є тут для вас, щоб допомогти вам у ваших потребах. Наші храми є місцем для відвідування богослужінь у неділю та свята, хрещення та весілля, річниці весілля, Першого Урочистого Причастя, катехизації, сповіді, духовної бесіди тощо.

З приблизно 7,500 українців греко-католиків в Британській Колумбії та близько 12 парафій, ви обов’язково знайдете одну з наших парафій поблизу.  Щоб знайти нас, відвідайте

Будь ласка, подумайте про те, щоб стати членом парафії поблизу вас. Приєднуйтесь до нашої духовної родини. Віддайте славу Богу. Використовуйте свої дари, дані Богом, щоб розбудовувати Царство Боже тут, на землі.

Хай Боже благословення буде на вас!

Владика Давид Мотюк,
Апостольський Адміністратор

Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Dear Faithful:

The Ukrainian Catholic Church welcomes you to British Columbia!

For 130 years, Ukrainians have settled in British Columbia, taking up roots, contributing over the years to the building up of the Province of British Columbia, a place we can all be proud to call home.

The Church has been an important part of that history offering spiritual support for its faithful. And we are here for you today to help you in your needs whether they be a place to worship on Sundays and Feastdays, baptisms and weddings, wedding anniversaries, First Solemn Communion, catechesis, confession, counselling, and so much more.

With some 7,500 Ukrainian Catholics in British Columbia, and some 12 parishes, you’re sure to find one of our parishes nearby. To find us, visit

Please consider becoming a member of a parish near you. Join our spiritual family Give glory to God. Use your God-given gifts to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth.

May God’s blessing be upon you!

Most Rev. David Motiuk
Apostolic Administrator

Icon of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.


To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada:

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid’ (Matthew 28:8)

Easter and the Resurrection: A Journey from Fear to Joy and Hope
Today, we celebrate the glorious Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Today, we rejoice in Christ’s victory over sin and death. Today, all things are filled with joy.

As we celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, and as we try to make sense of what it means for us today, let us reflect on the myrrh-bearing women—the first to encounter the news of the Risen Lord, and their incredible journey from fear to joy and hope.

The myrrh-bearing women are the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ death and the place of his burial. They are also the witnesses of his resurrection. They are the ones who receive the glorious news from the angel, who tells them, ‘Do not be afraid; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. Go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you’ (Mark 16:6-7).

Yet, in the Gospel of Mark’s telling of the Resurrection account, we read: ‘So the myrrh-bearing women went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid’ (Mark 16:8).

‘Terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.’

Fear had the potential to prevent the myrrh-bearing women from fulfilling the task given them by the angel. Fear had the potential to paralyze them, to bind them. Fear brought about in the myrrh-bearing women worry, terror, panic, anxiety, an inability to act. Fear could have prevented us from ever learning about the Resurrection of Our Lord, instead leaving Jesus buried in the tomb forever.

Yet, somehow the myrrh-bearing women were able to overcome their fear. Matthew’s Gospel tells us: ‘So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!’ And they came to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me”’ (Matthew 28:8-10).

The fear of the myrrh-bearing women had turned to joy and hope. Their newfound courage and strength transformed them into witnesses and messengers of the Resurrection. Their testimony allowed the Good News of the Word of God to spread and the number of faithful to increase greatly, so much so that today some 2.38 billion people around the world are followers of Christ, that is, one-third of the world’s population.

In the context of this year’s celebration of the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord, the whole world watches in disbelief and dismay that Ukraine has been invaded by Russia, causing massive destruction and the loss of thousands of innocent lives, many of whom are women and children. The fear of war once again, like that of the myrrh-bearing women, has the potential not only to paralyze the people of Ukraine but the entire world.

Yet, this is clearly not the case. The people of Ukraine have found courage to fight and to defend their families and neighbours in the midst of the chaos that war brings. Furthermore, the people of Ukraine fight bravely not only to defend their nation but the very fabric of freedom and democracy, upholding the fundamental ideals and principles of justice and human dignity that the world values and promotes.

We might ask ourselves just where does the courage of the people of Ukraine come from? The short answer is faith in God and in the Risen Lord. Already in the first century, Saint Andrew the Apostle, according to the chronicle The Tale of Bygone Years, erected a cross on the banks of the Dnipro River, prophesying that a great city would be built on its shores—today’s city of Kyiv, which has stood through the centuries as a centre of faith and witness to God’s love for God’s people. For centuries others have coveted these lands, yet each time the people of Ukraine, led by the Church, have emerged victoriously from the catacombs, experiencing in their own right Christ’s passion and crucifixion, journeying to the Resurrection and the newness of life. In this the people of Ukraine find strength.

Today, fear has the potential to silence the voice of the people of the world. Like the myrrh-bearing women, let us find courage to overcome our fear. Let us continue to speak with one voice and one heart, speaking on behalf of the people of Ukraine whose voice is being attempted to be silenced by foreign aggressors. Let us speak truth about what is happening in Ukraine, in solidarity and with conviction that war is wrong, and that peace is the only path forward.

Our voice is being heard. The world has responded in an outpouring of prayer for peace in Ukraine and love for its people by providing unprecedented humanitarian aid in response to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since the Second World War.

We pray for peace in Ukraine, and throughout the world. We pray in particular for the people of Ukraine as they endure the war. We pray for their safety and for their families. We pray for those who have left Ukraine and those who remain. We pray for those who have died. May God bless you and may the Mother of God spread her omophorion of protection upon you.

As we celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection, let us be the myrrh-bearing women of today. Like them, let us break free from any fear that holds us back. Let us go tell others, boldly and with courage, of the joy of the Gospel message, of God’s love and mercy in the world, so that they too may experience joy and hope in their lives.

As the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in Canada, we pray that God’s grace and love fills your heart, and that of your family and friends, and brings happiness and peace to all people.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
🞤 Lawrence Huculak, OSBM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Winnipeg
🞤 David Motiuk, Eparchial Bishop of Edmonton; Apostolic Administrator of New Westminster
🞤 Bryan Bayda, CSsR, Eparchial Bishop of Saskatoon; Apostolic Administrator of Toronto
🞤 Michael Wiwchar, CSsR, Bishop Emeritus of Saskatoon
🞤 Stephen Chmilar, Bishop Emeritus of Toronto


Всечеснішим Отцям, Преподобним Сестрам та Братам Монаших Спільнот, Семінаристам та Вірним Української Католицької Церкви в Канаді:

Христос Воскрес! Воiстину Воскрес!

Дорогі Брати і Сестри у Христі, Ісус сказав їм: «не бійтеся» (Матея 28:8)

Великдень і Воскресіння: Подорож від Страху до Радості і Надії
Сьогодні ми святкуємо славне Свято Воскресіння нашого Господа Ісуса Христа. Сьогодні ми радіємо Христовій перемозі над гріхом і смертю. Сьогодні все сповнилося радістю.

В часі святкування Празника Воскресіння нашого Господа, коли ми намагаємось усвідомити зміст цього свята, роздумаймо про жінок мироносиць – тих хто першими отримали звістку про Воскреслого Господа і розважмо про їхню надзвичайну мандрівку від стану страху до радості і надії.

Мироносиці є свідками Ісусової смерті і вони бачили місце де було його поховано. Вони також стали свідками його воскресіння. Саме вони отримали славну новину від ангела який їм сказав: «Не бійтеся; ви шукаєте за Ісусом з Назарету якого розіп’яли. Він воскрес; його тут немає. Подивіться, ось місце де було його покладено. Йдіть, і сповістіть його апостолів і Петра, що він йде перед вами до Галилеї; там ви його побачите, як і сказав я вам» (Maрко 16:6-7).

Однак у розповіді про Вокресіння у Євангелії від Марка ми також читаємо: «Тоді жінки мироносиці вийшли і побігли з гробу, бо страх і здивування охопили їх; і вони нічого нікому не розказали, бо налякалися » (Maрка 16:8).

Страх міг потенційно зупинити жінок мироносиць від виконання завдання, яке доручив їм ангел. Страх мав здатність паралізувати їх, осліпити їх. Страх спричинив жінкам мироносицям хвилювання, переляк, паніку, тривогу, нездатність до дії. Цей страх міг стати причиною того, що ми б ніколи не дізнались про Воскресіння Господа; і ми б думали, що Ісус залишився у гробі назавжди.

Проте, якимось чином жінки мироносиці змогли перебороти у собі цей страх. Євангеліє від Матея нам каже: «Тоді вони швидко залишили гріб у страсі, і з великою радістю побігли сповістити його апостолів. Раптом Ісус зустрів їх і сказав: «Вітаю!» І вони підійшли до нього, припали до його ніг і поклонились йому. Ісус сказав їм: «не бійтеся, йдіть і скажіть моїм братам щоб йшли до Галилеї, там вони побачать мене» (Maтея 28:8-10).

Страх жінок мироносиць перемінився у радість і надію. Віднайдена ними сміливість і сила перемінила їх на свідків і посланців Воскресіння. Їхнє свідчення дозволило Добрій Новині Слова Божого поширитись і вони спричинились до збільшення числа вірних до майже двох з половиною міліярдів людей, які зараз наслідують Христа, а це третя частина людства.

У цьому контексті, цьогорічне святкування Свята Воскресіння нашого Господа увесь світ спостерігає у зневірі і тривозі спричиненими вторгненням Росії в Україну, заподіяними руйнуваннями, і втратою тисяч невинних життів, включно з жінками і дітьми. Боязнь війни, подібно як і страх жінок мироносиць, має здатність паралізувати і не лише людей України, але й також цілий світ.

Однак, як ми бачимо страх не паралізував Україну. Посеред хаосу, який принесла війна Українці знайшли хоробрість боротися і обороняти свої сім’ї, і своїх ближніх. Більше того, люди України, не лише сміливо захищають свою державність, але також захищають принципи свободи, демократії, справедливості, і поваги до гідності особи; цінності, які цивілізований світ поважає та пропагує.

Ми можемо запитати себе, що є причиною такої хоробрості українців? Короткою відповіддю є їхня віра в Бога та у воскреслого Господа. Згідно з давньою «Повістю Временних Літ» ще у першому столітті Святий Апостол Андрій, підняв хрест Господній на берегах Дніпра, пророкуючи, що величне місто буде збудовано на схилах цієї ріки – сьогоднішнє місто Київ, яке протягом століть було центром віри і свідчення Божої любові до Божого люду. Століттями вороги намагались захопити ці землі, але кожного разу наші люди повставали з катакомб переможцями та з особистим досвідченням Христових страждань і розпяття, і кожного разу вони подорожували до Воскресіння і відродження. Ось де народ України черпає свою силу.

Сьогодні, страх має здатність заглушити голос світової спільноти. Подібно до жінок мироносиць, знайдімо у собі сміливість побороти наш страх. Продовжуймо говорити одноголосно і єдиним серцем для добра людей України, не дозвольмо чужинському агресору поширювати ненависть та неправду. Розповідаймо правду про те, що відбувається в Україні, і у солідарності з українським народом переконуймо, що війна є злом і що мир є єдиним шляхом до майбутнього.

Наш голос є почутим. Світ єднається у молитві за мир в Україні та у допомозі страждаючому українському народу. Агресія Росії спричинила безпрецедентну гуманітарну кризу, якої не бачив світ від закінчення Другої Світової Війни, але також людство відгукнулося у безпрецедентному вияві любові та у наданні гуманітарної допомоги для постраждаючих.

Ми молимось за мир в Україні та у цілому світі. В особливий спосіб ми молимось за людей в Україні, які переживають війну. Ми молимось за їхню безпеку, за безпеку їхніх сімей. Ми молимось за тих, які були вимушені залишити Україну і за тих, які залишились там. Ми молимось за тих, що померли. Нехай Господь благословить вас і Пресвята Богородиця візьме вас під покров свого омофору.

У часі святкування Свята Воскресіння будьмо жінками мироносицями. Звільнімось від усякого страху який нас сковує. Йдімо і сміливо проповідуймо радість Євангельської вістки, Божої любові і милосердя для світу, щоб усі змогли досвідчити правдиву радість і надію у їхньому житті.

Ми, Єпископи Української Католицької Церкви в Канаді молимось щоб ласка Божа наповнила ваші серця, серця ваших рідних та друзів та щоб радість та мир запанували між усіма людьми.

Христос Воскрес! Воiстину Воскрес!

Ваші у Христі,
🞤 Лаврентій Гуцуляк, ЧСВВ, Митрополит-Архиєпископ Вінніпезький
🞤 Давид Мотюк, Єпарх Едмонтонський; Апостольський Адміністратор Нью- Вестмінстерсьої Єпархії
🞤 Браєн Байда, ЧНІ, Єпарх Саскатунський; Апостольський Адміністратор Єпархії Торонто
🞤 Михаїл Вівчар, ЧНІ, Єпископ-емерит Саскатунський
🞤 Стефан Хміляр, Єпископ-емерит Торонтонський

At this time, the people of Ukraine are in need of material aid as well as our prayers, whether this is support for those fighting to defend their homeland or assistance to displaced persons and refugees.

The Eparchy of New Westminster has provided a list of organisations providing aid to Ukraine, as well as tips on ways to show solidarity and counter Russian misinformation:
Help the people of Ukraine to survive the war

Canada Helps is maintaining a list of registered charities in Canada that are providing aid to Ukraine, many of which are focused on helping refugees:
Donate to Ukraine Emergency Relief Efforts

Bishop David shares with us a Ukrainian folk tale for Christmas, the legend of the elderly grandmother and her search for the Christ child, and his reflections on our own journey to Bethlehem.

In English:

Unlike the elderly grandmother—baba—we know the road to Bethlehem, for today we have traveled together with the angels, the wise men and the shepherds to rejoice with Mary and Joseph in the birth of the Christ-Child, who came into this world, taking upon Himself flesh, becoming one of us, that we may know how precious and loved we are by God.

Let us get to know this Christ-Child better—one day at a time, throughout the entire year—by being every-more attentive to our relationship with God, to our faith, to our prayer, to our Church, so that when our family and friends, our neighbours and our community approach us and ask ‘Where is the Christ-Child?’, we may respond, ‘Yes, I know him! He lives here in my heart, here in my home with my family, here in my Church, here in my community. Yes, I know Him very well. Let me tell you about Him.’

And in this way the story of Christmas—of Jesus’ birth, of God’s presence among us—will continue to inspire the world, transforming it through peace and love into the Kingdom of God here on earth.

As we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, may Christ, truly bless you and your family with peace, love and joy, now and in the New Year!

Christ is Born!  Glorify Him!

+Bishop David Motiuk

In Ukrainian:

А ми, дорогі браття і сестри?  У нас по іншому.  Бабця не знає дорогу до Дитятка Ісусa. А ми? МИ ЗНАЄМО дорогу до Вифлеєма. Сьогодні, ми разом з ангелами, мудрецями зі сходу та пастушками тішимося з Марією, із Йосифом про народження Дитятка Ісусa; народження того, хто прийшов в світ, беручи на себе людське тіло, став одним із нас, щоб ми знали і відчули Божу безмежну любов до кожного з нас.

То ж пізнаймо глибше Дитятко Ісуса – день за днем, протягом цілого року. Прислухаймося краще до нашого особистого відношення до Бога, до віри, до молитви, до церкви – щоб коли, чи то наша родина, чи друзі, чи в громаді нас запитають, «Де знаходиться Дитятко Ісус?» ми зможемо ïм відповісти: «я знаю його; він тут – у моïм серці, тут – у моïм домі, з моєю родиною, тут – у моïй церкві, в моïй громаді. Так, я знаю Ісуса дуже добре. Давайте, я вам розкажу все, що знаю про Нього.»

І таким чином, подія про Різдво – про народження Христа – ця вістка, що З нами Бог – надалі надихне у світ своє святе повітря, перетворюючи нашу земну кулю миром і любов’ю у Царство Боже між нами.

Святкуючи Празник Господнього Рождества, нехай Христос поблагословить Вас і Вашу сім’ю миром, любов’ю і радістю, зараз і в новому році!

Христос Раждається! Славіте Його!

+ Давид Мотюк


To the Reverend Clergy, Monastics, Seminarians and Laity
of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada

Christ is Born! Let Us Glorify Him!

Dearly Beloved in Christ!

‘The earth offers a cave to the Inaccessible.’ — Kondak of the Nativity

The Kondak of December 25 heralds a true paradox. It reminds us of the sharp contrasts we find in the human condition.  Regarding the Incarnation of Jesus, the Indescribable, Eternal and Inaccessible God, is humbly born in a cave. This is truly a low place on earth, perhaps barely fit for animals at times and yet it is where Jesus was born. Today, we find it hard to believe that any person could be born outside of a hospital or a home. Of course, there are survival accounts of people enduring unimaginable challenges, but who could allow such intentional inhospitable human indignity?

Well, we don’t have to look far to find human indignity today. Human tragedy is all around us. Physical, medical, emotional and spiritual injustice is the content of many news stories. And in the midst of these stories often there is a ray of light in the darkness, a person who shines and restores our hope in human dignity.  Globally, in Ukraine, or in our own homes, the Holy Spirit is waiting to break through to others with good news and each of us would do well to ask God that question, ‘Lord, how do you want to use me in sharing this news?’

The good news is that despite our hearts being similar in some ways to the inhospitable cave, Jesus wants to dwell there. Our reflection on this profound mystery takes quiet time for prayer, away from the numerous demands requesting our attention as well as celebration of the Sacraments, particularly Eucharist and Reconciliation. In the stillness of our hearts, God will speak, God will give each of us grace and we have an opportunity to say ‘yes’ like members of the Holy Family. Our hearts are mangers of humility, human dignity and love. Every thought and action that honours God or another human being is born there.  Jesus is born in the manger of our hearts. This is good news. Likewise prayer together as families and parishes uplifts and confirms that ‘God is with us!’

Therefore, let us intercede in prayer and perhaps take positive steps toward solutions to the many inhumane things we encounter in life. Let us learn from St. Joseph who, in his obedience to God through several dreams, became the person to ignite in Jesus a sense of obedience to the Father. Let us learn from Mary, the Mother of God, who trusted in God’s plan for salvation as she gave birth to Christ and played a significant role in forming the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let us allow the Christ in us to be a light to those in our families and parishes. This is so important in an atmosphere that finds many people and numerous opinions at odds about how to deal with the COVID epidemic.

May our celebration of this profound truth this Christmas, that God is born in us, be a time to encounter Jesus Christ in our spouse, in our family members and in our parish because we are an essential part of this profound truth. May we be aware of the presence of Jesus, Mary and Joseph that give us the gift of the Holy Family which is present in our personal and parish families. And may this awareness bear fruit in our lives throughout the new year, 2022, and beyond.

God is with us! Christ is Born!

Sincerely in Christ,

+Lawrence Huculak, OSBM   Metropolitan Archbishop of Winnipeg
+Michael Wiwchar, CSsR   Eparch Emeritus of Saskatoon
+Stephen Chmilar, Eparch Emeritus of Toronto and Eastern Canada
+David Motiuk, Eparchial Bishop of Edmonton, Administrator of the Eparchy of New Westminster
+Bryan Bayda, CSsR, Eparchial Bishop of Saskatoon, Administrator of the Eparchy of Toronto & Eastern Canada


Всесвітлішим, Всечеснішим і Преподобним Отцям,
Преподобним Ченцям і Черницям, Семінаристам та Мирянам
Української Католицької Церкви в Канаді

Христос Рождається! Славімо Його!

Дорогі в Христі!

«Земля вертеп Неприступному приносить». — Кондак Різдва

Кондак Різдва Господнього звіщає справжній парадокс. Він нагадує нам про різкі контрасти, які ми знаходимо в стані людини. Невимовний, Вічний і Неприступний Бог смиренно рождається в печері. Воплочення Сина Божого відбувається в місці, ледь придатному для тварин. Сьогодні нам важко повірити, що будь-яка людина може народитися за межами лікарні чи домівки, та Творець всесвіту обіймає людство серед такого суворого приниження людини.

У цьому світі нам не потрібно далеко шукати, щоб знайти приниження людини. Трагедія людей є навколо нас. Фізична, емоційна та духовна несправедливість є змістом багатьох новин. І серед цих розповідей часто з’являється промінь світла в темряві -- людина, яка світить і повертає нам надію на людську гідність. По всьому світу, в Україні чи в наших власних домівках у Канаді, Дух Святий чекає, щоб проникнути до інших із доброю новиною. Кожному з нас було б добре так запитати Бога: «Господи, як хочеш використати мене, щоб поділитися цією новиною?»

Добра новина є такою, що, незважаючи на те, що наші серця в чомусь схожі на негостинну печеру, Ісус хоче жити там. Наша відкритість до цієї глибокої таємниці вимагає спокійного часу для молитви, далеко від відволікань, подалі від численних вимог, на які сучасне суспільство зосереджує нашу увагу. У тиші наших сердець Бог буде говорити. Бог дасть кожному з нас ласку сказати «так» разом з Пресвятою Родиною. Ісус рождається в яслах смиренного серця, наповненого любов’ю. Він рождається в кожній думці і дії, які шанують Небесного Отця та в серця, які гідно ставляться до тих, що створені за Його образом. Цією доброю новиною ми ділимося під час цього свята. І, молячись разом як родина-сім’я та беручи участь у Святих Таїнствах, особливо в Євхаристії, ми піднесені й підтверджені як улюблені діти Божі.

Тому просімо про заступництво в молитві і, по можливості, зробімо якісь позитивні кроки до вирішення багатьох нелюдських речей, з якими ми стикаємося в житті. Навчімося від святого Йосифа, як це Ісус зробив, коли сприяв розвитку почуття послуху Своєму Небесному Отцеві, на прикладі послуху Йосифа Богові. Навчімося від Богоматері Марії, як це Ісус зробив, коли сприяв розвитку почуття глибокої любови та співчуття через Його земний досвід материнської любови. Дозвольмо, щоб Христос у нас став світлом мудрости та співчуття до інших. Та оскільки наше суспільство сьогодні продовжує боротися з пандемією COVID-19, завжди пам’ятаймо про добробут інших.

Цього Різдва нехай наше святкування Різдва нашого Господа приведе нас до зустрічі з Ним у всіх наших стосунках – з членами нашої родини-сім’ї, у наших громадах, на наших робочих місцях, у наших домівках. Нехай наші серця будуть тією печерою, де Пресвята Родина знаходить свою домівку, де присутні Ісус, Марія та Йосиф. Нехай дар Еммануїла — З нами Бог — принесе у нас плід у любові, у радості та в мирі в цей Різдвяний час та протягом усього Нового Року.

З нами Бог! Христос Рождається!

Щиро віддані в Христі,

+ Лаврентій Гуцуляк, ЧСВВ, Архиєпископ і Митрополит Вінніпезький
+ Михаїл Вівчар, ЧНІ, Єпарх-емерит Саскатунський
+ Стефан Хміляр, Єпарх-емерит Торонтонський
+ Давид Мотюк, Єпарх Едмонтонський, Апостольський Адміністратор Нью-Вестмінстерської Єпархії
+ Браєн Байда, ЧНІ, Єпарх Саскатунський, Апостольський Адміністратор Торонтонської Єпархії

The Eparchy of New Westminster joins with other Catholic bodies in actively participating in the first National Day for Truth & Reconciliation on 30 September. Although the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada played no role in the residential school system, we share a responsibility with all Canadians to be aware of that history, to understand the lasting trauma caused to indigenous families and communities through the abduction of their children by the Canadian state, and, especially, to learn about the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its Calls to Action. As Christians, we are also called to meet this day with prayer, a spirit of charity, and a commitment to reconciliation of all people in truth.

Give us the vision and honesty to recognize that the we are all brothers and sisters of one human family, created and sustained by the One Creator. As we deal with many challenges, may we never give way to fear and anger, which can be the source of division and threat amongst peoples.
[From the Canadian Catholic Indigenous Council’s prayer for National Indigenous Peoples Day.]

Visit the Eparchy website to learn more about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, for further links, and two educational webinar videos produced by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto.

in response to the vandalism of a Ukrainian Catholic church in Calgary, in the wake of media coverage of Residential School burial site discoveries.

Dear Ukrainian Catholic Faithful,

Слава Ісусу Христу! Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Many of us were saddened earlier this week when we learned that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish, Calgary, had been vandalized by individuals acting on their own—not once but twice, alongside many other Roman Catholic parishes throughout Calgary.

While the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada never ran Residential Schools, we can relate to the pain and suffering that our Indigenous brothers and sisters are enduring in the recent recovery of the graves of hundreds of children found in several cemeteries in western Canada.

The Ukrainian community readily acknowledges that if it were not for the help of the Indigenous Peoples, our ancestors would not have survived those first harsh winters in the late 1890s when Ukrainian immigration to Canada began, nor what medicines to use, nor how to navigate the land. The story of the meeting of our two peoples is most recently told in song and dance in the 2018 Ukrainian Shumka Dancers’ Ancestors and Elders production, a story of strength and sacred bond among peoples.

Dear faithful, the Indigenous Peoples in Canada now need our prayers, support and action as they seek truth and reconciliation regarding the tragedy of Residential Schools. If for no other reason, we can relate to their suffering and loss for we too know suffering and loss. Millions of our people were starved to death under the Soviet Communist Regime in the Holodomor Genocide of 1932-1933. In Canada, during World War I, thousands of our people were taken away from their families, stripped of all their possessions, and held in some 24 internment camps as enemy aliens, some whose burial sites are still unknown. And since 2014, some 13,000 have died and 30,000 wounded in the “forgotten war” in eastern Ukraine at the hands of Russian aggressors.

Dear parishioners of Assumption Parish, Calgary, I share in the hurt and pain caused you by the recent vandalism at your holy place of worship, and I pray that words of peace and reconciliation prevail over criminal acts of vandalism and hate.

Dear faithful, but now, above all, it is a time to listen attentively to our Indigenous brothers and sisters, no matter how painful the reality of Residential Schools. They must speak. We must listen. Only then will truth be told, and heard, with the hope of reconciliation and a strengthening of the bond of our two peoples.

God bless,

Bishop David

At this joyous time of a difficult year, when we so long to gather in community to celebrate God the Son’s incarnation, but in many places are unable to do so due to public health measures, Bishop David, the clergy and religious of our Eparchy greet all the faithful in words and song.

As we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, may Christ, truly bless you and your family with peace, love and joy, now and in the New Year!

Святкуючи Празник Господнього Рождества, нехай Христос поблагословить Вас і Вашу сім’ю миром, любов’ю і радістю, зараз і в новому році!

The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord
‘Christmas – A Festival of Families’

Christ is Born!  Let us Glorify Him!

Dear Faithful:

The birth of Jesus took place this way:  ‘In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger because there was no place for them in the inn’ (Luke 2: 1, 4-7).

The story of the birth of Jesus is above all a ‘Festival of Families’.

With the birth of Jesus, God chooses to be born in a human family. What might this mean for you and for me?

At the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia—truly a Festival of Families—Pope Francis stressed the importance of the family. He chose to set aside a prepared written speech and speak to the world in his own words about a question a child once asked him. ‘What did God do before God created the world?’

Indeed, children ask the best questions! I suspect the child wanted to know whether God played soccer, liked to climb trees, or ate ice cream!

Pope Francis’ response was marvellous!  He said, ‘I assure you, I found real difficulty in answering the question. I said, “Before creating the world, God loved. [God simply loved.] Because God is love.”  He had so much love: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was so overflowing. It was so big, this love, God could not be selfish, self-centred. It had to be poured out of him. So as to share that love with those out of himself. And then God created the world. God made this marvellous world in which we live.‘

And, if I may add my own words here, in the Nativity of Our Lord—in his Incarnation, God taking flesh and becoming one of us, being born among us—God entrusts this love to a family. To Mary and Joseph a child is born, Jesus, who is love. And today, to you and me, Jesus, who is love, is born anew in our hearts and in the world all around us.  ‘All of the love that God has in himself, all the beauty that he has in himself, he gives to the family. And the family is really family when it is able to open its arms and receive all that love.’

Pope Francis continues, ‘Every Christian family—as Mary and Joseph did – must first welcome Jesus, listen to Him, speak with Him, shelter Him, protect Him, grow with Him; and in this way, make the world a better place.

‘Let us make space in our heart and in our days for the Lord. This is what Mary and Joseph did, and it was not easy: how many difficulties they had to overcome! It was not a false or unreal family.’ And during the pandemic, when we are spending much more time together as families, we know this firsthand. Families have difficulties. We argue, we quarrel. Yet, with love, only love, we can overcome our challenges.

The family of Nazareth—Jesus, Mary and Joseph—calls to us to rediscover the vocation and the mission of the family. God created man and woman, and he gave them everything.  He gave them the world!  Then God commissioned the family. He said, grow, multiply, cultivate the earth, make it produce, make it grow. Through the family, the mystery of the Son of God is at work. Creation. The Fall. Recreation. Through the birth of Our Lord, God comes to save the world. The gates of Paradise are re-opened. God waits at the gates of heaven to welcome us home.

As I get older, I tend to appreciate my family more and more. Mom and dad, who are now passed. My sisters. My brother. And their families. I appreciate the memories of days gone by, and the memories that are still in the making, memories filled with joy, hope and love, and yes, sadness and loss.

I am thankful that it was in my family, the first church, the domestic church, that the seeds of faith were first sown. My parents, by their word and example, carried on the mission of love entrusted to them by God, sharing that love among themselves and teaching their children to love God and neighbour.

As we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord, I invite you to reflect on your family. Acknowledge how beautiful, true, and good it is to be a family today; and how indispensable the family is for the life of the world, and for God’s unfolding plan of salvation.

Truly, Christmas is a Festival of Families.

May God bless the Holy Family born in Bethlehem. May God bless your family!

As we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, may Christ, truly bless you and your family with peace, love and joy, now and in the New Year!

Christ is Born!  Glorify Him!

Bishop David Motiuk
Eparchy of Edmonton

Prayer to the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
in you we contemplate the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust.

Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer,
authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches.

Holy Family of Nazareth,
may families never again experience violence, rejection and division:
may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing.

Holy Family of Nazareth,
make us once more mindful
of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,
and its beauty in God’s plan.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
graciously hear our prayer. Amen.

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Празник Різдва Господнього
«Різдво – Свято Сімей»

Христос Раждається! Славіте Його!

Дорогі у Христі!

Народження Ісуса сталось наступним чином: «Тими днями вийшов наказ від кесаря Августа переписати всю вселенну. Пішов також і Йосиф з Галилеї, з міста Назарету в Юдею, в місто Давида, що зветься Вифлеєм, бо він походив з дому й роду Давида, щоб записатися з Марією, зарученою своєю, що була вагітна. Коли вони були там, настав їй час родити, і вона породила свого сина первородного, сповила його та поклала в ясла, бо не було їм місця в заїзді» (Євангеліє від Луки 2: 1, 4-7).

Історія народження Ісуса у своїй суті є Святом Сім’ї.

З народженням Ісуса, Бог вирішує народитися в людській сім’ї. Якими є наслідки цього рішення для вас і для мене?

На Всесвітній Зустрічі Сімей у Філадельфії, справжньому Святі Сімей, Папа Франциск наголосив на важливості сім’ї. Він вирішив не зачитувати свою заздалегідь написану промову, але натомість розповісти власними словами про питання, яке йому колись задала дитина: «Що робив Бог перед тим як Він створив світ?»

А й справді, діти задають найкращі питання. Підозрюю, що дитині було цікаво чи можливо Бог грав у футбол, чи лазив по деревах, чи може Він їв морозиво!

Відповідь Папи Франциска була надзвичайною! Він сказав: «Хочу вас запевнити, що мені досить важко відповісти на це питання. Я відповів дитині: Перед тим як створити світ, Бог любив. [Бог просто любив]. Бо Бог є любов. Він мав в Собі дуже багато любові: Отець, Син і Святий Дух. Він був переповнений любов’ю. Ця любов була настільки великою, що Бог не міг бути егоїстичним чи зосередженим на Собі. Ця любов мусіла вилитись з Нього для того, щоб Він міг поділитись нею з кимось. І ось тоді Бог створив світ. Бог створив цей пречудовий світ, в якому ми живемо.»

І, з Вашого дозволу хочу додати кілька слів від себе, в Народженні Нашого Господа – в Його Воплоченні, Бог приймає тіло і стає одним з нас, народжується серед нас – Бог довіряє цю любов сім’ї, в якій Він народився. Дитина Ісус, який є любов’ю, народжується Марії і Йосифу. І сьогодні, до Вас і до мене, заново народжується Ісус, який є любов’ю, Він народжується в наших серцях і у цілому світі довкола нас. «Всю любов, яку Бог має в Собі, всю красу, яку Він вміщає в Собі, Він дає сім’ї. І сім’я є насправді сім’єю, коли вона відкриває свої руки і приймає всю цю любов.»

Папа Франциск продовжує: «Кожна християнська сім’я – подібно як Марія і Йосиф – мусить спочатку радісно прийняти Ісуса, слухати Його, говорити з Ним, прихистити Його, захистити Його, рости разом з Ним, і таким чином світ стане кращим місцем.»

«Зробімо місце для Господа в наших серцях і в наших днях. Саме так зробили Марія і Йосиф, і це не було легко: скільки труднощів їм довелось перебороти! Це не була несправжня чи нереальна сім’я.» Зараз під час пандемії, коли ми проводимо набагато більше часу разом як сім’я, ми знаємо це з власного досвіду. В сім’ях трапляються труднощі. Ми сперичаємося, ми сваримося. Однак з любов’ю, лише з любов’ю, ми можемо подолати наші труднощі.

Сім’я з Назарету – Ісус, Марія і Йосиф – закликає нас заново відкрити для себе покликання і місію сім’ї. Бог сотворив чоловіка і жінку і Він дав їм все. Він дав їм цілий світ! Тоді Бог започаткував сім’ю сказавши: ростіть, помножуйтесь, обробляйте землю, щоб вона плодила  і росла. Через сім’ю, сповнюється таємниця Сина Божого. Створення. Падіння. Відродження. Через народження нашого Господа, Бог приходить, щоб спасти світ. Ворота Раю є заново відкритими. Бог чекає на нас коло Райських Воріт, щоб ласкаво запросити нас додому.

З роками, я все більше і більше ціную свою сім’ю. Маму і тата, яких вже з нами немає. Моїх сестер. Мого брата. І їхні сім’ї. Я дорожу спогадами про минулі дні, спогадами, які я зараз створюю, спогадами сповненими радістю, надією і любов’ю, але й також смутком і втратами.

Я є вдячним, що саме в моїй сім’ї, першій церкві, домашній церкві, були посіяні перші зерна віри. Мої батьки, їхніми словами і прикладом, сповнювали місію любові, довірену їм Богом, ділились цією любов’ю між собою і навчали своїх дітей любити Бога і ближнього.

Святкуючи Народження Нашого Господа, заохочую Вас задуматись над власними сім’ями. Визнайте, як це гарно, правдиво і добре бути сім’єю сьогодні, і якою незамінною є сім’я для життя цього світу, і для реалізації Божого плану спасіння людства.

Направду, Різдво є празднецтвом сім’ї.

Нехай Господь поблагословить Пресвяту Родину народжену у Вифлеємі. Нехай Господь поблагословить Вашу родину!

Святкуючи Празник Господнього Рождества, нехай Христос поблагословить Вас і Вашу сім’ю миром, любов’ю і радістю, зараз і в новому році!

Христос Раждається! Славіте Його!

+ Давид Мотюк
Едмонтонська єпархія

Молитва до Пресвятої Родини

Ісусе, Маріє і Йосифе,
У Вас ми споглядаємо красу справжньої любові,
до Вас ми звертаємось з довірою,

Пресвята Родино з Назарету,
допоможи щоб наші сім’ї були місцем причастя і молитви,
правдивими школами Євангелія і малими домашніми Церквами.

Пресвята Родино з Назарету,
нехай наші родини ніколи не досвідчать насильства, відкинення та роздору:
нехай всі що були зранені чи згіршені знайдуть заспокоєння і зцілення.

Пресвята Родино з Назарету,
дай дам знову бути більш свідомими святості і непорушності сім’ї,
і її краси в Божому задумі,

Ісусе, Маріє і Йосифе,
ласкаво вислухайте нашу молитву. Амінь.

The crest of the Eparchy of New Westminster

Pastoral Centre, Eparchy of New Westminster
22 September 2020

Reverend Clergy and Parish Pastoral Council Members:


As the new Liturgical Year has begun, together with the new School Year, we are returning to old schedules and routines.

However, when it comes to COVID-19, we must remain vigilant in helping to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, ensuring that our desire in sharing the Good News of the Gospel with our faithful is fruitful and blessed.

Alas, the number of daily cases of infections is on the rise as of late, and we are in jeopardy of losing the gains our province made earlier on at the outset of the pandemic.

The media has kept a watchful eye on churches and other places of worship, quick to point out any outbreaks or breaches in protocols.

Therefore, I renew my plea to our clergy and parish pastoral councils, who share in the responsibility in the re-opening of our parishes, to renew our efforts in reminding our parishioners of the basic practices in caring one for another during the pandemic, namely,

  • Adhere to our eparchial liturgical guidelines related to COVID-19.
  • Practice physical distancing and wear a mask at all liturgical celebrations.
  • Practice good hygiene: wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching face.
  • Monitor for symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat.
  • Self-isolate for at least 10 days from when the symptoms started.
  • Take the COVID-19 self-assessment to access testing.

Posting signage at the entrance to our churches can also be a good reminder of these helpful practices in doing our part in helping spread the coronavirus.

Therefore, I ask that the following posters be posted at all our church entrances:

1. Prevention starts with awarenessCOVID-19 Self awareness poster2. Practice physical distancing
COVID-19 Social distancing poster3. How to wear a non-medical mask
COVID-19 Mask poster4. Singing prohibited during COVID-19 (Cantors only)
COVID-19 Cantor-only posterThese practical reminders can go a long way in helping our faithful feel comfortable in worshipping with us as we pray, worship, and celebrate the Word of God and the Eucharist!

As we preach the Good News, may God bless you, and keep you and our parishioners safe and healthy!

Bishop David

On Saturday 30 May, the feast of Pentecost, celebration of public liturgy will resume at our parish, under the directives laid out by Bishop David in the letter reproduced in full below. Please familiarise yourself with these directives before deciding whether to recommence attending Divine Liturgy, so that you understand what will be different, and what rules are in place regarding distancing and other risk reduction measures. Parish council members will be preparing the church according to the directives during the week. Key things to remember are:

  • The dispensation from the obligation to attend Divine Liturgy remains in place. You may decide not to attend, and in some circumstances you should not attend.
  • If planning to attend, please confirm in advance by contacting Father Yuriy and then ensure your name is checked off when you arrive at the church. This is to enable contact tracing should someone be diagnosed with COVID-19, and to confirm that we do not exceed the number of people permitted in the church.
  • An usher will be at the door of the church to answer questions and to ensure that directives are observed.
  • Maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres (6 feet) from other faithful at all times, including while entering and exiting the church.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the entry of the church, and should be used.
  • Veneration of icons or crosses should be done without kissing or touching them.
  • Tape on the floor and on pews will indicate minimum distance and areas available for seating. Because ours is a small church, the total number of people who can attend will be quite limited by the minimum distance requirements. Members of the same household are permitted to sit together, but only so long as each person is a minimum distance from members of other households.
  • No liturgy books will be available in the pews.
  • Congregational singing is not permitted, so the Liturgy will either be recited or the responses voiced by a single cantor standing apart from the congregation.
  • At some times during the service the priest will pray in silence rather than aloud, and at other times will be wearing a mask.
  • At the end of the service, please follow the usher‘s directions to leave the church by pew row, maintaining minimum distance.
  • Please follow directions of the priest during the service, and take a few minutes now to read the full directives below. Thank you.

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The crest of the Eparchy of New Westminster

Chancery Office, Eparchy of New Westminster
21 May 2020

Directives for the Re-opening of Churches
and the Resumption of Public Liturgical Services

Слава Ісусу Христу!
Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Dear Reverend Pastors and Faithful,

As we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, Jesus—just before ascending to heaven and returning to the Father—commissions the apostles, saying, ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age’ (Matthew 28: 19-20).

We too have been commissioned by Jesus through our baptism to share the Good News of the Gospel message with all people, starting with our family, friends and neighbours.

It is in this light that, with joy in our hearts, we announce the re-opening of our churches and the resumption of public liturgical services, although with limits and restrictions.

From time to time, it may be necessary to update our Directives based upon advice from our health care officials and ‘best practice feedback’ from our parishes as they re-open.

As we move towards gradual re-opening and the resumption of public liturgical services, it is critical that we understand the potential for the spread of COVID-19 among our faithful and take steps to minimize the risk of spread, especially among high risk populations within our congregations.

The health and safety of everyone is first and foremost.

To be successful in British Columbia’s relaunch and church re-openings, we will need to continue to do what we are doing, namely:

  • follow public health measures;
  • practice physical distancing and good hygiene; and
  • continue acting responsibly.

The following Directives for the Re-opening of Churches and the Resumption of Public Liturgical Services address the following areas:

A. Readying our parishes for re-opening
B. Deciding whether to attend church services or not
C. Determining the 50-person or less maximum
D. Physical distancing seating
E. Entering and exiting the church
F. Participating in the Divine Liturgy and other services

A. Readying our parishes for re-opening

  • 1. Pastors, in consultation with their Parish Pastoral Councils, parish staff and others concerned, must communicate clearly and effectively with their parishioners about their plans for when and how they will resume public liturgical services.
  • 2. Specifically, the communication should cover the following areas:
    2.1. How the parish will determine the 50-person or less maximum to participate in the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services.
    2.2. How the parish will ensure physical distancing.
    2.3. The measures the parish will take to ensure proper sanitation.
  • 3. The Divine Liturgy schedule, if altered to allow more time between services, should be published.
  • 4. No ‘drive in’ or ‘parking lot’ services are permitted.
  • 5. An adequate stock of hand sanitizer and other cleaning supplies should be readily available at the time of reopening.
  • 6. Social gatherings before or after church services (including coffee and doughnuts) are not to take place at this time.
  • 7. If a parish is unable for practical or other reasons to maintain strict physical distancing and perform the cleaning requirements as indicated in these Directives, the pastor must not celebrate the Divine Liturgy or any other liturgical services publicly until such time as the parish is able to do so.

B. Deciding whether to attend or not to attend church services

  • 8. The faithful continue to be dispensed from the obligation to attend the Divine Liturgy in church at this time.
  • 9. All those attending church services do so at their own risk. It is important for individuals and families to take responsibility for protecting themselves — and others.
  • 10. Prior to attending liturgical services, the faithful should use the self-assessment tool provided by the Government of British Columbia.
  • 11. The following individuals must stay home for the sake of the wider community.
  • 11.1. Those with COVID-19 and those who live with someone with COVID-19.
    11.2. Those who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
    11.3. Anyone feeling sick with a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat, even if symptoms appear to be mild or resemble a cold.
    11.4. Anyone at high risk from COVID-19, for example, those with chronic medical conditions, especially with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.
    11.5. Those who have recently travelled outside of Canada.
  • 12. The following individuals are encouraged to stay home for the sake of the wider community
    12.1. Those who live with someone with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.
    12.2. Older persons and persons with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, cancer or diabetes).
    12.3. Family members who live with the elderly or those who are at risk.
  • 13. When at home, individuals and families are encouraged to follow the liturgical services on livestream or Telus (channel 876), or set aside some time to pray, read the Sacred Scriptures or some other spiritual reading.
  • 14. Clergy (priests, deacons, subdeacons) and assistants (sacristans, altar servers, lectors, cantors) with a respiratory infection of any kind must not celebrate or participate in public Divine Liturgies and the sacraments.

C. Determining the 50-person or less maximum

  • 15. The Government of British Columbia re-launch limits the number of faithful gathering for the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services to no more than 50 people or one third of normal worship space, whichever is smaller, and whichever ensures that physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) will be maintained. This includes clergy, sacristans, altar servers, lectors, cantors, etc.
  • 16. All individuals found to be in violation of gathering restrictions are subject to a $1,000 penalty.
  • 17. Additional Divine Liturgies may be scheduled with greater frequency to accommodate the spiritual needs of the faithful.
  • 18. To ensure that the maximum number of 50 people is not exceeded at any time, the faithful must pre-register through email or by calling the parish, indicating their wish to attend a particular Divine Liturgy or other liturgical service — they must receive confirmation prior to attending.
  • 19. The faithful should not pre-register for more than one liturgical service until everyone who wishes to attend has had an opportunity to do so (which might be every week, or every 2 or 3 weeks).
  • 20. A list of attendees and their contact information must be maintained should someone test positive for COVID-19, thereby assisting public health officials with contact tracing and follow-up. The list must be kept until advised otherwise.

D. Physical distancing and seating

  • 21. Except for members of the same household, physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) from another person must be maintained by everyone on the church property (in the church, on the church steps, in the parking lot, in the washrooms, etc.)
  • 22. Tape or rope can be used to close off 2 or 3 rows of pews between the seating pews, to ensure physical distancing.
  • 23. Seats which can be used should be clearly marked.
  • 24. Members of the same household may sit together in the same pew.
  • 25. Infants and children should remain with their parents at all times. Cry rooms are closed at this time.
  • 26. When the faithful are required to stand in line, for example, to receive Holy Communion, go to confession, or use the washroom, tape can be placed on the church floor to indicate proper spacing between persons.
  • 27. Clergy and assistants are to remain at least 2 metres (6 feet) from each other and from the congregation during the entire liturgical service.

E. Entering and exiting the church

  • 28. Entry to the church is provided through a single door of entry, taking into consideration access for the handicapped.
  • 29. A separate point of exit is to be used, where possible.
  • 30. Entrance and exit doors should be propped open, where possible, as people enter/exit so that the faithful need not touch the door handles or doors.
  • 31. The faithful are to be welcomed by a greeter/usher, who will:
    31.1. assist in staggering the time of their arrival and departure to ensure physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet);
    31.2. check their name off the list of confirmed attendees;
    31.3. remind them of the requirement for physical distancing;
    31.4. remind them to sanitize their hands upon entry to and exit from the church; and
    31.5. remind the faithful that the veneration of icons, crosses, etc., should be done without touching or kissing them.
  • 32. Members of the same household may enter and exit together.
  • 33. Once the maximum permitted space has been reached, additional people are not permitted to enter the church building.
  • 34. People who simply show up must be turned away; however, they are to be informed of how they can register for another Divine Liturgy or liturgical service.
  • 35. The greeter/usher will dismiss the faithful by rows at the end of the liturgical service.
  • 36. There should be no social gatherings after the liturgical services. The faithful should promptly leave the church and parking lot upon the completion of the services.

F. Participating during Liturgical Services

  • Use of face masks
    The faithful are encouraged to wear face masks, however, it is not required if physical distancing is maintained at all times.
  • Singing led by a single cantor
    38. Congregational and choral (choir) singing is a high-risk activity and is not allowed because infected people can transmit the virus through their saliva or respiratory droplets.
    39. Instead, the sung responses during the liturgical services may be led by a single cantor, while the faithful remain prayerfully silent.
    40. A designated area, completely separated from the faithful, must be set aside for the cantor, as singing disperses droplets in a wider area than speaking.
    41. Where the parish has chosen to recite the entire Divine Liturgy, the faithful may actively participate in the responses, provided that physical distancing is maintained.
    42. Where the parish recites some parts of the Divine Liturgy and sings others, again, the sung parts are to be led by a single cantor, while the faithful remain prayerfully silent.
  • Collection
    Rather than passing a collection basket hand-to-hand, a basket is to be placed at the front of the Church for the convenience of the faithful in making their financial contribution in support of the mission of the Church.
  • Kiss of Peace
    At the Kiss of Peace, the faithful can acknowledge each other with a simple bow and refrain from hand shaking altogether.
  • Distribution of Holy Communion
    The priest is to wash his hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer immediately before the preparation of the gifts of bread and wine prior to the celebration of the Divine Liturgy (Proskomedia).
    46. The priest prays the prayers of the Rite of Preparation (Proskomedia) silently so that droplets dispersed by speaking is avoided. Alternatively, the priest is to wear a mask. The priest is always must prepare a second chalice from which he will partake at communion.
    47. Once the gifts of bread and wine are transferred to the holy table (altar) at the Great Entrance, they are to remain completely covered with the veils until the consecration.
    48. During the consecration, when the gifts of bread and wine are uncovered, the priest is to step back from the holy table at least 2 metres (6 feet) and remains there until communion in order to avoid droplets being dispersed in speaking or singing the words of consecration.
    49. The priest again is to wash his hands with hand sanitizer immediately before the fraction of the Lamb and the placing of the consecrated particles into the chalice for distribution to the faithful.
    50. After the priest partakes of the precious Body of Christ in the usual way, he then partakes from the precious Blood of Christ from the chalice which has prepared for his own use.
    51. Where there are concelebrants, the priests receive the Eucharist by intinction, that is, they dip the precious Body of Christ into the separately prepared chalice for clergy, always being careful not to touch the precious Blood with their fingers. For this purpose, specially prepared longer particles (rectangular) can be used. Alternatively, the concelebrants are to receive the precious Blood of Christ from the individual chalices prepared for them.
    52. Only one priest should distribute Holy Communion to the entire congregation.
    53. The priest should wear a face mask when distributing the Eucharist. He silently prays the usual prayer, ‘The servant of God, [name], partakes of the precious, most holy and most pure Body and Blood of our Lord…,’ as each communicant approaches. This avoids the dispersion of any droplets by the priest.
    54. Holy Communion is to be distributed to the faithful at the usual time during the Divine Liturgy.
    55. The Eucharist is to be distributed with single-use disposable wooden spoons, which are to be burnt and properly disposed after usage.
    56. If the priest senses that his fingers have made contact with a person’s mouth or hands, he should pause, place the chalice on the tetrapod, and use hand sanitizer to cleanse his hands prior to continuing to distribute the Eucharist.
    57. For people with celiac disease, a separate small chalice is to be prepared. The amount of wine used must be small enough for the communicant to drink it entirely.
    58. After everyone who wishes to approach to receive Holy Communion has done so, the priest is to recite the Prayer of Spiritual Communion, since not everyone may feel comfortable in approaching to receive the Eucharist at this time.
    59. All sacred vessels are to be thoroughly cleansed and purified with soap and hot water.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the Church
    Hand sanitizing should take place at the entrance of the church for those attending the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services. Hand sanitizer must contain at least 60% alcohol.
    61. A bottle of hand sanitizer, touched by many, should not be used. Instead, use an automatic dispenser or have an usher/greeter spray the hands of those entering and exiting the church.
    62. Holy water fonts are to be remain empty.
    63. Personal protective practices are to be promoted (coughing and sneezing etiquette, hand hygiene).
    64. Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting the church should take place, including surfaces that are touched often, including doors, railings, pews, common areas, washrooms*).
    64.1. *Due to the need for strict cleaning and sanitizing, it is recommended that washrooms be closed or open with limited access and available for emergencies.
    65. The church should be cleaned and disinfected between each service using accepted products and practices.
    66. All Divine Liturgy books, hymnals, paper, and other items are to be removed from the pews for the protection of the faithful. People may bring their own Divine Liturgy books or download the Divine Liturgy text on their mobile device.
    67. Individual church bulletins should not be distributed, unless they are handed out by an usher/ greeter as parishioners enter the church.
  • Baptisms, weddings and funerals
    The celebration of baptisms, weddings and funerals are permitted, while maintaining the precautions listed above.
  • Grave blessings
    Grave-side blessings are permitted, while maintaining the precautions listed above.
  • Parish Pastoral Council meetings
    Meetings of the parish pastoral council is permitted, again while maintaining the precautions listed above.
    71. No coffee or socializing after meetings is allowed.
    72. All other meetings are not permitted at this time, including bible study groups, youth groups, UCWLC, UCBC, and Knights of Columbus.

Financial Support
At this critical time, your financial support is greatly appreciated. Our eparchy and parishes continue to incur expenses as we strive to fulfil the mission which God has entrusted to the Church. Please contact your local parish as to how you can make a donation.

Stay safe and healthy
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of British Columbia continues to ask each of us to stay safe and to continue acting responsibly to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The success of the British Columbia relaunch and the re-opening of Churches and the resumption of public liturgical services depends to a great extent on how closely we adhere to the provincial health regulations and church liturgical directives.

Together, our actions can make a difference in the lives of family, friends and strangers alike.

With gratitude for your patience and cooperation, I assure you that your well-being, both spiritual and physical, is of paramount importance as we take these initial steps to resume public participation in our liturgical services.

May the blessings of the All Holy Trinity be upon you and your family.

Bishop David