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Our Bishop Elect, Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski, will be ordained and enthroned in November. His episcopal ordination will take place in Winnipeg, where he is currently Chancellor, and he will then travel to British Columbia to be enthroned and to celebrate his first Divine Liturgy as Bishop of New Westminster.

6:00 pm, Tuesday, November 7
Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr & Olha, Winnipeg

10:00 am, Wednesday, November 8
Cathedral of Saints Volodymyr & Olha, Winnipeg

Divine Liturgy, Sunday, November 12
Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Winnipeg

10:00 am, Saturday, November 18
Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Vancouver

10:00 am, Sunday, November 19
Holy Eucharist Cathedral, New Westminster

18:00, вівторок, 7 листопада
Собор Святих Володимира і Ольги, Вінніпег

10:00, середа, 8 листопада
Собор Святих Володимира і Ольги, Вінніпег

Божественна Літургія, неділя, 12 листопада
Парафія Пресвятої Діви Марії, Вінніпег

10:00, субота, 18 листопада
Парафія Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, Ванкувер

10:00, неділя, 19 листопада
Собор Пресвятої Євхаристії, Нью-Вестмінстер

Father Yuriy is on vacation with his family during this time. Divine Liturgy in Nanaimo on Saturdays and Victoria on Sundays will be celebrated by visiting priests, but there will be no online streaming video these weekends.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, public liturgies are suspended through the feast of Christmas. Father Yuriy will celebrate these services online, and video feeds will be available on the Journal page:

Christmas Eve, Thursday 24 December, 8PM
Great Compline with Lytia

Christmas Day, Friday 25 December, 10AM
Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

Icon of the Nativity of Christ

O Christ what shall we offer you?
For our sake You appeared on earth as man.
Every creature made by You offers thanks to You:
the angels offer you a hymn; the heavens, a star;
the Magi, gifts; the shepherds their wonder;
the earth, its cave; the wilderness, the manger.
And we offer you a Virgin Mother.

[From the prayers of Vespers of Christmas Eve.]

The crest of the Eparchy of New Westminster

Pastoral Centre, Eparchy of New Westminster
22 September 2020

Reverend Clergy and Parish Pastoral Council Members:


As the new Liturgical Year has begun, together with the new School Year, we are returning to old schedules and routines.

However, when it comes to COVID-19, we must remain vigilant in helping to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, ensuring that our desire in sharing the Good News of the Gospel with our faithful is fruitful and blessed.

Alas, the number of daily cases of infections is on the rise as of late, and we are in jeopardy of losing the gains our province made earlier on at the outset of the pandemic.

The media has kept a watchful eye on churches and other places of worship, quick to point out any outbreaks or breaches in protocols.

Therefore, I renew my plea to our clergy and parish pastoral councils, who share in the responsibility in the re-opening of our parishes, to renew our efforts in reminding our parishioners of the basic practices in caring one for another during the pandemic, namely,

  • Adhere to our eparchial liturgical guidelines related to COVID-19.
  • Practice physical distancing and wear a mask at all liturgical celebrations.
  • Practice good hygiene: wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching face.
  • Monitor for symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat.
  • Self-isolate for at least 10 days from when the symptoms started.
  • Take the COVID-19 self-assessment to access testing.

Posting signage at the entrance to our churches can also be a good reminder of these helpful practices in doing our part in helping spread the coronavirus.

Therefore, I ask that the following posters be posted at all our church entrances:

1. Prevention starts with awarenessCOVID-19 Self awareness poster2. Practice physical distancing
COVID-19 Social distancing poster3. How to wear a non-medical mask
COVID-19 Mask poster4. Singing prohibited during COVID-19 (Cantors only)
COVID-19 Cantor-only posterThese practical reminders can go a long way in helping our faithful feel comfortable in worshipping with us as we pray, worship, and celebrate the Word of God and the Eucharist!

As we preach the Good News, may God bless you, and keep you and our parishioners safe and healthy!

Bishop David

On Saturday 30 May, the feast of Pentecost, celebration of public liturgy will resume at our parish, under the directives laid out by Bishop David in the letter reproduced in full below. Please familiarise yourself with these directives before deciding whether to recommence attending Divine Liturgy, so that you understand what will be different, and what rules are in place regarding distancing and other risk reduction measures. Parish council members will be preparing the church according to the directives during the week. Key things to remember are:

  • The dispensation from the obligation to attend Divine Liturgy remains in place. You may decide not to attend, and in some circumstances you should not attend.
  • If planning to attend, please confirm in advance by contacting Father Yuriy and then ensure your name is checked off when you arrive at the church. This is to enable contact tracing should someone be diagnosed with COVID-19, and to confirm that we do not exceed the number of people permitted in the church.
  • An usher will be at the door of the church to answer questions and to ensure that directives are observed.
  • Maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres (6 feet) from other faithful at all times, including while entering and exiting the church.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the entry of the church, and should be used.
  • Veneration of icons or crosses should be done without kissing or touching them.
  • Tape on the floor and on pews will indicate minimum distance and areas available for seating. Because ours is a small church, the total number of people who can attend will be quite limited by the minimum distance requirements. Members of the same household are permitted to sit together, but only so long as each person is a minimum distance from members of other households.
  • No liturgy books will be available in the pews.
  • Congregational singing is not permitted, so the Liturgy will either be recited or the responses voiced by a single cantor standing apart from the congregation.
  • At some times during the service the priest will pray in silence rather than aloud, and at other times will be wearing a mask.
  • At the end of the service, please follow the usher‘s directions to leave the church by pew row, maintaining minimum distance.
  • Please follow directions of the priest during the service, and take a few minutes now to read the full directives below. Thank you.

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The crest of the Eparchy of New Westminster

Chancery Office, Eparchy of New Westminster
21 May 2020

Directives for the Re-opening of Churches
and the Resumption of Public Liturgical Services

Слава Ісусу Христу!
Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Dear Reverend Pastors and Faithful,

As we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, Jesus—just before ascending to heaven and returning to the Father—commissions the apostles, saying, ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age’ (Matthew 28: 19-20).

We too have been commissioned by Jesus through our baptism to share the Good News of the Gospel message with all people, starting with our family, friends and neighbours.

It is in this light that, with joy in our hearts, we announce the re-opening of our churches and the resumption of public liturgical services, although with limits and restrictions.

From time to time, it may be necessary to update our Directives based upon advice from our health care officials and ‘best practice feedback’ from our parishes as they re-open.

As we move towards gradual re-opening and the resumption of public liturgical services, it is critical that we understand the potential for the spread of COVID-19 among our faithful and take steps to minimize the risk of spread, especially among high risk populations within our congregations.

The health and safety of everyone is first and foremost.

To be successful in British Columbia’s relaunch and church re-openings, we will need to continue to do what we are doing, namely:

  • follow public health measures;
  • practice physical distancing and good hygiene; and
  • continue acting responsibly.

The following Directives for the Re-opening of Churches and the Resumption of Public Liturgical Services address the following areas:

A. Readying our parishes for re-opening
B. Deciding whether to attend church services or not
C. Determining the 50-person or less maximum
D. Physical distancing seating
E. Entering and exiting the church
F. Participating in the Divine Liturgy and other services

A. Readying our parishes for re-opening

  • 1. Pastors, in consultation with their Parish Pastoral Councils, parish staff and others concerned, must communicate clearly and effectively with their parishioners about their plans for when and how they will resume public liturgical services.
  • 2. Specifically, the communication should cover the following areas:
    2.1. How the parish will determine the 50-person or less maximum to participate in the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services.
    2.2. How the parish will ensure physical distancing.
    2.3. The measures the parish will take to ensure proper sanitation.
  • 3. The Divine Liturgy schedule, if altered to allow more time between services, should be published.
  • 4. No ‘drive in’ or ‘parking lot’ services are permitted.
  • 5. An adequate stock of hand sanitizer and other cleaning supplies should be readily available at the time of reopening.
  • 6. Social gatherings before or after church services (including coffee and doughnuts) are not to take place at this time.
  • 7. If a parish is unable for practical or other reasons to maintain strict physical distancing and perform the cleaning requirements as indicated in these Directives, the pastor must not celebrate the Divine Liturgy or any other liturgical services publicly until such time as the parish is able to do so.

B. Deciding whether to attend or not to attend church services

  • 8. The faithful continue to be dispensed from the obligation to attend the Divine Liturgy in church at this time.
  • 9. All those attending church services do so at their own risk. It is important for individuals and families to take responsibility for protecting themselves — and others.
  • 10. Prior to attending liturgical services, the faithful should use the self-assessment tool provided by the Government of British Columbia.
  • 11. The following individuals must stay home for the sake of the wider community.
  • 11.1. Those with COVID-19 and those who live with someone with COVID-19.
    11.2. Those who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
    11.3. Anyone feeling sick with a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat, even if symptoms appear to be mild or resemble a cold.
    11.4. Anyone at high risk from COVID-19, for example, those with chronic medical conditions, especially with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.
    11.5. Those who have recently travelled outside of Canada.
  • 12. The following individuals are encouraged to stay home for the sake of the wider community
    12.1. Those who live with someone with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.
    12.2. Older persons and persons with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, cancer or diabetes).
    12.3. Family members who live with the elderly or those who are at risk.
  • 13. When at home, individuals and families are encouraged to follow the liturgical services on livestream or Telus (channel 876), or set aside some time to pray, read the Sacred Scriptures or some other spiritual reading.
  • 14. Clergy (priests, deacons, subdeacons) and assistants (sacristans, altar servers, lectors, cantors) with a respiratory infection of any kind must not celebrate or participate in public Divine Liturgies and the sacraments.

C. Determining the 50-person or less maximum

  • 15. The Government of British Columbia re-launch limits the number of faithful gathering for the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services to no more than 50 people or one third of normal worship space, whichever is smaller, and whichever ensures that physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) will be maintained. This includes clergy, sacristans, altar servers, lectors, cantors, etc.
  • 16. All individuals found to be in violation of gathering restrictions are subject to a $1,000 penalty.
  • 17. Additional Divine Liturgies may be scheduled with greater frequency to accommodate the spiritual needs of the faithful.
  • 18. To ensure that the maximum number of 50 people is not exceeded at any time, the faithful must pre-register through email or by calling the parish, indicating their wish to attend a particular Divine Liturgy or other liturgical service — they must receive confirmation prior to attending.
  • 19. The faithful should not pre-register for more than one liturgical service until everyone who wishes to attend has had an opportunity to do so (which might be every week, or every 2 or 3 weeks).
  • 20. A list of attendees and their contact information must be maintained should someone test positive for COVID-19, thereby assisting public health officials with contact tracing and follow-up. The list must be kept until advised otherwise.

D. Physical distancing and seating

  • 21. Except for members of the same household, physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) from another person must be maintained by everyone on the church property (in the church, on the church steps, in the parking lot, in the washrooms, etc.)
  • 22. Tape or rope can be used to close off 2 or 3 rows of pews between the seating pews, to ensure physical distancing.
  • 23. Seats which can be used should be clearly marked.
  • 24. Members of the same household may sit together in the same pew.
  • 25. Infants and children should remain with their parents at all times. Cry rooms are closed at this time.
  • 26. When the faithful are required to stand in line, for example, to receive Holy Communion, go to confession, or use the washroom, tape can be placed on the church floor to indicate proper spacing between persons.
  • 27. Clergy and assistants are to remain at least 2 metres (6 feet) from each other and from the congregation during the entire liturgical service.

E. Entering and exiting the church

  • 28. Entry to the church is provided through a single door of entry, taking into consideration access for the handicapped.
  • 29. A separate point of exit is to be used, where possible.
  • 30. Entrance and exit doors should be propped open, where possible, as people enter/exit so that the faithful need not touch the door handles or doors.
  • 31. The faithful are to be welcomed by a greeter/usher, who will:
    31.1. assist in staggering the time of their arrival and departure to ensure physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet);
    31.2. check their name off the list of confirmed attendees;
    31.3. remind them of the requirement for physical distancing;
    31.4. remind them to sanitize their hands upon entry to and exit from the church; and
    31.5. remind the faithful that the veneration of icons, crosses, etc., should be done without touching or kissing them.
  • 32. Members of the same household may enter and exit together.
  • 33. Once the maximum permitted space has been reached, additional people are not permitted to enter the church building.
  • 34. People who simply show up must be turned away; however, they are to be informed of how they can register for another Divine Liturgy or liturgical service.
  • 35. The greeter/usher will dismiss the faithful by rows at the end of the liturgical service.
  • 36. There should be no social gatherings after the liturgical services. The faithful should promptly leave the church and parking lot upon the completion of the services.

F. Participating during Liturgical Services

  • Use of face masks
    The faithful are encouraged to wear face masks, however, it is not required if physical distancing is maintained at all times.
  • Singing led by a single cantor
    38. Congregational and choral (choir) singing is a high-risk activity and is not allowed because infected people can transmit the virus through their saliva or respiratory droplets.
    39. Instead, the sung responses during the liturgical services may be led by a single cantor, while the faithful remain prayerfully silent.
    40. A designated area, completely separated from the faithful, must be set aside for the cantor, as singing disperses droplets in a wider area than speaking.
    41. Where the parish has chosen to recite the entire Divine Liturgy, the faithful may actively participate in the responses, provided that physical distancing is maintained.
    42. Where the parish recites some parts of the Divine Liturgy and sings others, again, the sung parts are to be led by a single cantor, while the faithful remain prayerfully silent.
  • Collection
    Rather than passing a collection basket hand-to-hand, a basket is to be placed at the front of the Church for the convenience of the faithful in making their financial contribution in support of the mission of the Church.
  • Kiss of Peace
    At the Kiss of Peace, the faithful can acknowledge each other with a simple bow and refrain from hand shaking altogether.
  • Distribution of Holy Communion
    The priest is to wash his hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer immediately before the preparation of the gifts of bread and wine prior to the celebration of the Divine Liturgy (Proskomedia).
    46. The priest prays the prayers of the Rite of Preparation (Proskomedia) silently so that droplets dispersed by speaking is avoided. Alternatively, the priest is to wear a mask. The priest is always must prepare a second chalice from which he will partake at communion.
    47. Once the gifts of bread and wine are transferred to the holy table (altar) at the Great Entrance, they are to remain completely covered with the veils until the consecration.
    48. During the consecration, when the gifts of bread and wine are uncovered, the priest is to step back from the holy table at least 2 metres (6 feet) and remains there until communion in order to avoid droplets being dispersed in speaking or singing the words of consecration.
    49. The priest again is to wash his hands with hand sanitizer immediately before the fraction of the Lamb and the placing of the consecrated particles into the chalice for distribution to the faithful.
    50. After the priest partakes of the precious Body of Christ in the usual way, he then partakes from the precious Blood of Christ from the chalice which has prepared for his own use.
    51. Where there are concelebrants, the priests receive the Eucharist by intinction, that is, they dip the precious Body of Christ into the separately prepared chalice for clergy, always being careful not to touch the precious Blood with their fingers. For this purpose, specially prepared longer particles (rectangular) can be used. Alternatively, the concelebrants are to receive the precious Blood of Christ from the individual chalices prepared for them.
    52. Only one priest should distribute Holy Communion to the entire congregation.
    53. The priest should wear a face mask when distributing the Eucharist. He silently prays the usual prayer, ‘The servant of God, [name], partakes of the precious, most holy and most pure Body and Blood of our Lord…,’ as each communicant approaches. This avoids the dispersion of any droplets by the priest.
    54. Holy Communion is to be distributed to the faithful at the usual time during the Divine Liturgy.
    55. The Eucharist is to be distributed with single-use disposable wooden spoons, which are to be burnt and properly disposed after usage.
    56. If the priest senses that his fingers have made contact with a person’s mouth or hands, he should pause, place the chalice on the tetrapod, and use hand sanitizer to cleanse his hands prior to continuing to distribute the Eucharist.
    57. For people with celiac disease, a separate small chalice is to be prepared. The amount of wine used must be small enough for the communicant to drink it entirely.
    58. After everyone who wishes to approach to receive Holy Communion has done so, the priest is to recite the Prayer of Spiritual Communion, since not everyone may feel comfortable in approaching to receive the Eucharist at this time.
    59. All sacred vessels are to be thoroughly cleansed and purified with soap and hot water.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the Church
    Hand sanitizing should take place at the entrance of the church for those attending the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services. Hand sanitizer must contain at least 60% alcohol.
    61. A bottle of hand sanitizer, touched by many, should not be used. Instead, use an automatic dispenser or have an usher/greeter spray the hands of those entering and exiting the church.
    62. Holy water fonts are to be remain empty.
    63. Personal protective practices are to be promoted (coughing and sneezing etiquette, hand hygiene).
    64. Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting the church should take place, including surfaces that are touched often, including doors, railings, pews, common areas, washrooms*).
    64.1. *Due to the need for strict cleaning and sanitizing, it is recommended that washrooms be closed or open with limited access and available for emergencies.
    65. The church should be cleaned and disinfected between each service using accepted products and practices.
    66. All Divine Liturgy books, hymnals, paper, and other items are to be removed from the pews for the protection of the faithful. People may bring their own Divine Liturgy books or download the Divine Liturgy text on their mobile device.
    67. Individual church bulletins should not be distributed, unless they are handed out by an usher/ greeter as parishioners enter the church.
  • Baptisms, weddings and funerals
    The celebration of baptisms, weddings and funerals are permitted, while maintaining the precautions listed above.
  • Grave blessings
    Grave-side blessings are permitted, while maintaining the precautions listed above.
  • Parish Pastoral Council meetings
    Meetings of the parish pastoral council is permitted, again while maintaining the precautions listed above.
    71. No coffee or socializing after meetings is allowed.
    72. All other meetings are not permitted at this time, including bible study groups, youth groups, UCWLC, UCBC, and Knights of Columbus.

Financial Support
At this critical time, your financial support is greatly appreciated. Our eparchy and parishes continue to incur expenses as we strive to fulfil the mission which God has entrusted to the Church. Please contact your local parish as to how you can make a donation.

Stay safe and healthy
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of British Columbia continues to ask each of us to stay safe and to continue acting responsibly to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The success of the British Columbia relaunch and the re-opening of Churches and the resumption of public liturgical services depends to a great extent on how closely we adhere to the provincial health regulations and church liturgical directives.

Together, our actions can make a difference in the lives of family, friends and strangers alike.

With gratitude for your patience and cooperation, I assure you that your well-being, both spiritual and physical, is of paramount importance as we take these initial steps to resume public participation in our liturgical services.

May the blessings of the All Holy Trinity be upon you and your family.

Bishop David

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies

The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies at the University of Toronto has available online resources on theology, spirituality, liturgy, church history, and canon law.

Father Peter Galadza, the director of the institute, writes that even though we have celebrated Pasch, ‘the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impose a “Lenten solitude”.’ The free resources provided by the institute can help us stay in touch with our faith and our Ukrainian Catholic Church during this time.

True Light – a podcast by the Sheptytsky Institute

Sheptytsky Institute Video Library

Sheptytsky Institute YouTube channel

Sheptytsky Institute Archive: events, media, video, audio

Open Access articles

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the institute is also offering a 50% discount (Coupon Code: MASI50) on their catalogue of publications, books, DVDs, etc.:

If you’d like to support the work of the Sheptytsky Institute, you can donate online.

The crest of the Eparchy of New Westminster

Chancery Office, Eparchy of New Westminster
1 April 2020

My Dear Parishioners,

I pray that you and your families are safe and healthy. As we endure the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are evermore united as one global family—God’s family—in our efforts to battle this disease, protecting in particular our seniors and those with medical conditions. In Christ, all things are possible. We will overcome.

Over these past several weeks, I have been moved by the love and pastoral care expressed towards you by our clergy. To them, I express my heartfelt gratitude. They are praying for you daily, celebrating the Lenten liturgical services and the Divine Liturgy for your intentions, visiting the sick and dying, celebrating funerals, hearing confessions upon request, phoning and keeping in touch with you - in particular, the elderly and shut-ins - providing counselling, and so on. They have also been sending you their weekly bulletins and homily reflections, with the Sunday epistle and gospel, and changeable parts, so that you pray and reflect upon the word of God at home, alone or with your family. Although our buildings are closed, the Church continues to be open—because we are the Church!

Holy Week and Easter Services
As we prepare to mark Holy Week, Our Lord’s passion, crucifixion, death upon the cross, and then Easter and his glorious third-day Resurrection, our celebrations will be very different this year owing to the coronavirus. We simply continue doing what we’re already doing, that is, stay home to prevent the spread of the virus, and to follow the Holy Week and Easter services from home through livestream.

[Live-streaming of Father Yuriy’s Easter Sunday liturgy will begin at 8AM on Sunday 12 April, and will be available via this Journal web page.]

When following the livestream liturgical services, it is important to stay prayerful and focused, avoiding all distractions. Set up a prayer corner in your ‘domestic church.’ Place yourself in front of an icon. Light a candle. On the appropriate day, download a copy an icon of the Holy (Last) Supper, the Holy Shroud of Our Lord (plaschanytsia), and the Resurrection of Our Lord. Meditate upon them.

Be assured that all our pastors will celebrate the Holy Week and Easter services for your intention, either in church by themselves or with the assistance of a cantor, or privately in their home.

Palm Sunday and Pussy willows
Blessed pussy willows will not be distributed on Flowery (Palm) Sunday. Some parishes who have already pre-ordered pussy willows, may bless and distribute them once the pandemic has passed.

Easter Basket-blessings
Easter baskets will be blessed via livestream, following the celebration of Resurrection Matins and Divine Liturgy. Alternatively, in these extraordinary circumstances, the faithful may recite the prayers of Easter-basket blessing yourself, sprinkling them with Holy Water, where available.

Easter Confessions and Spiritual Communion
As it is not possible to celebrate our ‘Easter’ confession at this time, nor receive the Divine Eucharist on the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord, pray by yourself or as a family the ‘Prayer of Spiritual Communion’:

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in these Holy Gifts!
I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot receive You now,
I place before You my whole life and hope, O loving Master;
and I ask, pray, and entreat You: Make me worthy to partake in a mystical way
and with a pure conscience of Your awesome and heavenly Mysteries:
for forgiveness of sins, for the pardon of offences, for communion of the Holy Spirit,
for the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, for confidence before You,

and not for judgment or condemnation.
I embrace You as You enter and abide in me, and I unite myself completely to You.

Permeate my soul and body, and never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Financial Support
At this critical time, your financial support is greatly appreciated. Our eparchy and parishes continue to incur expenses as we strive to fulfil the mission which God has entrusted to the Church. Please contact your local parish as to how you can make a donation.

Continued Prayer for you and your family
Please know that your bishop and your clergy are praying for you, for family and friends; for the shut-ins and elderly; for the sick and the dying; for government leaders and officials; and for the doctors, nurses, researchers, for all care givers, and for all who provide essential services.

As we celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, I pray that God’s grace and love fills your heart, and that of your family and friends, and brings joy and peace to all people.

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

Sincerely in Christ,

Bishop David Motiuk
Eparchial Bishop, Eparchy of Edmonton
Apostolic Administrator, Eparchy of New Westminster

The crest of the Eparchy of New Westminster

Chancery Office, Eparchy of New Westminster
18 March 2020

To the Reverend Clergy:


As you may already know, the Government of British Columbia has now declared a state of emergency under the Public Health Act.

New public health measures are now recommended to limit the time people spend in large crowds and crowded spaces. Effective immediately, all events over 50 people are to be cancelled.

In this light, I have issued the following liturgical norms, effective immediately, which include the suspension of all Divine Liturgies throughout the Eparchy of New Westminster.

We carry all our faithful in our prayers.

God bless,

Bishop David

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To the Faithful:

We are living in extraordinary times. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is now a global pandemic. It has affected every aspect of our daily lives.

The Government of British Columbia has now declared a state of emergency under the Public Health Act. New public health measures are now recommended to limit the time people spend in large crowds and crowded spaces. All events over 50 people are to be cancelled.

Our primary concern must always be to care for the spiritual, physical, mental, and wellbeing of our fellow parishioners and citizens, many of whom are seniors and those at greater risk.

Therefore, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the following liturgical norms are to be followed:

  • All Divine Liturgies are suspended until further notice.
  • Faithful are encouraged to follow the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on weekends via livestream or recording on the Internet. On Sundays, Holy Eucharist Cathedral (New Westminster), and St Nicholas the Wonderworker parish (Victoria) will livestream liturgical services. Please note, these are closed to the public.
  • All Lenten liturgical services and Lenten Missions are cancelled. The faithful are directed to the Eparchy of New Westminster website where they will find videos and materials to help grow spiritually in their Lenten journey.
  • All penitential liturgical services are cancelled. Priests are available to hear individual confessions upon request or during posted hours. Confessions will take place in an open space (for example, before the Icon of Christ at the Iconostasis), and not in the confessional. Consult local parishes for hours.
  • Funerals may continue to be celebrated in our churches and in funeral homes. In consultation with the relatives of the deceased, the number of attendees should be limited to 50 people.
  • Some families may choose immediate interment, followed by a memorial funeral service at a later date. Public receptions following the funeral are not to take place.
  • Children preparing for Solemn Communion and First Reconciliation are to receive instruction by parents in their own homes. Catechists can assist parents with the preparation of lessons and materials.
  • Upon request, priests are available to visit the sick and shut-ins who request the Divine Eucharist, Confession or the Sacrament of the Sick. In every case, they are expected to practice appropriate risk mitigation.
  • Churches are to remain open, where possible, for some time to allow for private prayer. Consult local parishes for hours.
  • Further liturgical norms on Holy Week are forthcoming.
  • Pray. Pray. Pray.

As the situation is fluid, for up to date information on the Coronavirus, visit reliable sources, for example, Government of British Columbia Health Services and Public Health Agency of Canada.

As things evolve, we will provide further liturgical norms as deemed necessary. Let us do what we do best as the people of God, let us pray:

Prayer During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages ‘curing every disease and illness.’ At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love.

Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care.

Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbours from helping one another.

Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders.

Stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace. Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace. Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace. Be with our priests and spiritual care givers. May they know that they are loved and cared for.

Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.

Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace.

For You are a God of mercy, kindness, and love, and we glorify You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Bishop David Motiuk
Apostolic Administrator

Updated 18 March 2020

Following directives of our Apostolic Administrator Bishop David in response to the declaration of a state of emergency by the Government of British Columbia, celebration of Divine Liturgy at St Michael the Archangel Ukrainian-Catholic parish are suspended until further notice.

While this global emergency continues and public celebrations of Divine Liturgy are cancelled, the operating expenses of our parish must continue to be paid. During this time, please consider making online donations through CanadaHelps to help us cover expenses and keep the parish alive. Thank you.

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