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Online courses in Eastern Christianity, Fall 2024

Among their many courses on all aspects of Catholic theology, history, and ecclesiology, Newman Theological College is collaborating with the Eparchy of Edmonton to offer a number of courses on Eastern Christianity. These courses are offered simultaneously in-person in Edmonton and online via Zoom. These are credit courses towards undergraduate qualifications and vocational formation, but may be auditable. Please contact Newman Theological College to enquire.

MPS 367 / STP 567 Canon Law of the Eastern Catholic Churches
Introduction to Eastern Canon Law. Sources of Canon Law in the East. Notion of a Church sui iuris. Church membership and ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Codification and spirit of the 1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. Ecclesial structures. Liturgical and sacramental law.
Taught by Bishop David Motiuk.
Schedule: Fri. 1:15-4:05pm & 5:00-7:50pm. & Sat. 9:00-11:50am
Dates: Sept. 6/7; Oct. 25/26; Nov. 8/9; Nov. 29/30

SYT 105 / STD 405  Introduction to Eastern Christian Theology
The Judeo-Christian God. Revelation and our access to it. The Trinitarian nature of Revelation. Interactions with Logos and Spirit in the process of Holy Tradition. Scripture within and above Tradition. The sources of Tradition: Bible, Councils, Creeds, Fathers, Liturgy, Icons, etc. Tradition vs. Traditionalism. Questions of Theological method.
Taught by Deacon Dr. Cyril Kennedy.
Schedule: Thurs. 6:30-9:20pm, beginning 5 September

In addition to these two courses offered in Fall 2024, Newman Theological College also offer a number of other courses devoted to Eastern Christianity, including a history of our own Ukrainian Catholic Church. Please check the schedule of upcoming courses in the Winter and future semesters for possible availability of these courses. Not all courses are available every year.

FND 232 History of the Ukrainian Catholic Church
The historical development of the Ukrainian Catholic Church from 988 to the present. The establishment of Byzantine Christianity among Ukrainians by St. Volodymyr in 988, the Great Schism of 1054, and the Brest-Litovsk communion of 1596. Relationship with Eastern Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. Diaspora in the Americas between 1880 and 1914. The Ukrainian Catholic Church and Vatican Council II. Establishment and development of metropolitanate in Canada. Current developments.

SYT 189 Eastern Christian Doctrine I: Trinity, Christ, and the Holy Spirit
A survey of Eastern Christian teaching on the Triune God-focused both on patristic and contemporary authors. The course situates doctrine within the broader array of Holy Tradition (Scripture, Fathers, Councils, Creeds, Liturgy, Iconography, Hagiography, etc.), with attention to the historical contexts in which teachings arose. Comparisons between Eastern and Western Christian approaches to certain questions, with some attention to ecumenical matters. Emphasis on apophatic and antinomic approaches to theology as well as the connection between doctrine and spirituality.

SYT 190 Eastern Christian Doctrine II: Humanity, Salvation, Eschatology and the Church
The human person before God according to the ancient and modern exponents of the tradition of the Christian East. Topics may include cosmic creation, image and likeness, the immortality of the soul, divine freedom and human freedom, the creation, the fall of humanity, spirituality, afflictive thoughts (logosmoi), salvation, redemption, and divinization (theosis), eschatology and hope.

MPS 383 The Practice of Eastern Christian Ritual
The student will be able to identify and explain in whole and in part the liturgical books, the ordinary and the papers of the service and the liturgical environment and appointments of Byzantine Rite churches. The student will be able to analyze a liturgical situation and apply knowledge of authoritative reflections and guidelines to arrive at an insightful evaluation of the situation (pastoral principles). The student will be able to recognize, explain, and apply in practice many of the skills needed to proclaim and chant liturgical texts and to prepare and/or lead Byzantine-Rite worship.

SYT 216 The Holy Mysteries: Byzantine Sacraments
An overview of the history, theology, and current practice of the Byzantine Mysteries (sacraments) - Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist, Repentance (Reconciliation), Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, Marriage — to elucidate their centrality in contemporary Christian life and ministry.

SYT 217 Byzantine Eucharist Liturgies
An introduction to the history and meaning of the Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, and Presanctified Gifts. Attention to contemporary concerns and disputed issues of Eucharistic doctrine and practice.

SYT 225 Byzantine Liturgical Theology
The Biblical sources of the Christian Liturgy. The development of the Byzantine Rite. The theology of Liturgy as a work of the Trinity and action of Christ and the Church. The development and celebration of the Liturgical Year and the Divine Praises (Liturgy of the Hours). Modern liturgical development.

MPS 368 Marriage in the Eastern Catholic Churches: Canonical Issues
Theology of marriage in the East. Marriage covenant. Marriage Consent and the partnership of conjugal life. Properties and ends of marriage. Marriage preparation. Impediments. Canonical form of marriage. Convalidation. Marriage nullity. Second marriages. Pastoral care of the divorced and remarried.

MPS 121 Eastern Christian Moral Theology
Introduction to the history, sources, and questions in Eastern Christian moral theology. Engagement with key moral issues confronting contemporary societies with the help of a moral vision based on spiritual practice and a holistic theological stance.