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Dear beloved in Christ,

First of all, thank you for your prayerful support of our people in Ukraine sacrificing their lives, fighting for freedom, and independence while showcasing to the world what it means to be Ukrainian.

Also, thank you for your generous donations to our church. Your continued support and generosity will safeguard the financial future of our parish!

How can you continue to help? Donations can be made either by cash or cheque during the circulation of our basket during or after Liturgy as well as through e-transfer or volunteering.

At the same time, we would like to invite you to support our parish in our efforts of helping the people of Ukraine.

Donations can be made...

  • by envelope during services at our church
  • by e-transfer sent to
  • via our parish page on the CanadaHelps website
  • by mailing a cheque payable to St Michael the Archangel parish to
    4017 Victoria Avenue, Nanaimo, BC V9T 2A5
  • by bequest in your will


Envelopes are available on the table to the left when you enter the church through the main doors, and most pews also contain a small stack. Please be sure to write your name, your address if a first-time giver, and the amount of the donation on the envelope if you would like to receive a tax receipt. Tax receipts are issued for donations near the beginning of the next calendar year.

E-transfer: Note that your financial institution may ask you to provide a security question for us to answer to receive the funds, so please be sure to email the security answer to us if it is not obvious.

CanadaHelps: We do not collect any payment data for donations made through CanadaHelps. You will receive a tax receipt directly from CanadaHelps.

Bequests: Leaving a bequest is a process of giving a donation through your will. It is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organisation through your last will and testament. It can be as small or as large a donation as you wish. It is important that you talk to your lawyer about the process. In your kindness please remember St Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in your will.

If someone wishes to make such a bequest, the following clause may be used as a template to be included in a will: ‘I give, devise, and bequeath to St Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Parish of 4017 Victoria Avenue, Nanaimo BC, V9T 2A5, the sum of $ _____ [or _____% of my estate], to be used for the benefit of the parish and its pastoral activities.’


You can now make a donation via the CanadaHelps online form to our Aid for Ukrainians in need appeal. To do so, please select ‘2. Aid for Ukrainians in need’ from the dropdown list of funds on the donation form. Money’s collected via this fund will directly aid Ukrainian families that have found refuge in our region.

Donate via CanadaHelps

Note that St Michael the Archangel parish does not collect any payment data for donations made through CanadaHelps. You will receive a tax receipt directly from CanadaHelps.